Chapter 6 ~ Little Levin

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That awkward moment when you go to write another chapter, and realize that there is already a chapter here. Except it's for a different book. So you have to delete a full chapter, because it's in the wrong book, and you've already moved past that point in its original book.

(I found a chapter of Our Story here and had to delete it, because I've already planned the chapter differently)...

Anyways, on with the chapter.

Aphmau's POV

Things are super tense lately. Zoey noticed and took the boys on a trip to Meteli with Cadenza to visit. And to avoid involving the children with our drama.

I'm super stressed out. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in days. I have to worry about Zane, and what to do with him, I have to make sure that our 'wonderful' guests, who are my elementary school friends, don't burn down the village. And to add on to that, Garroth gets mad from just looking at me (or Laurance for that matter).

I've never used to be afraid. But I am now. And the worst part is...


I don't know if I'm scared of Garroth...


Or for him.

Garroth's POV

Imagine that you love someone. Imagine they love you back. Now imagine that they tell you that they don't love you, but instead are in love with your best friend. The one you trusted, and whom you considered a brother. It hurts, it really does.

I keep re-playing that moment in my head.


I walk in to see Aphmau and Laurance together.

"W-What's going on?!"

"Oh Garroth." Aphmau says quietly, "You are a fool. How could you not see how madly in love I am with Laurance?"


"You should leave." She continues, "Before you get even more heartbroken. If that's even possible."

"Aphmau I-"

"Get lost." Laurance commands, then smirking, he adds, "Brother."

I run out of the room in despair.

~~~~~End Of Flashback~~~~~


I know that's not exactly how it went.

But that is exactly how it felt.

I'm sad, and angry. And I'm taking my anger out on the people around me. And my fear is that I'm unable to control it.

Malachi's POV

I know mom and dad got into a fight. I saw it in a vision. (Remember how he gets visions of important events in his sleep?) I also heard mom and Zoey talking. That's the reason we're in Meteli. They don't want me or Levin involved with trouble, and Cadenza just happened to be visiting, so we came with her.

Because they don't know about my knowledge of the situation, I have to watch what I say, especially around Levin. I don't want him to be worried. I just hope things get better back at home soon.

Levin's POV

Levin misses home. But Metal-ee is really cool. Miss Cadenza says this is where she and Uncle Laurance grew up. Kyle would call this place 'swaggy'.

The only bad thing is, Levin doesn't get to play with Mister Bad Boy Zaaaaaaaaaaane while I'm here. Or Kyle. Or Lexis. Or Thorgi or Puma or Jiggy or Phoenix. Cadenza brought Cookie so Levin gets to play with her and brover. Levin love games!

Zoey's POV

Malachi and Levin are having a lot of fun in Meteli. I know Levin is a little homesick, but if all goes well with all the issues, we'll get to go back soon.

Levin walked in while I was talking to Cadenza after breakfast. He was dragging his little blue dinosaur jacket on the ground. He came up to me,

"Big sister Zoey, can you help me put this on?" He absolutely melted my heart. He called me his 'big sister'! It was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life.

"Aww, sure." I helped him into his jacket, and he left. Cadenza started laughing.


"You were practically in tears!" She exclaimed in between gasps.

"Oh yeah? Sue me. That kid is adorable."

"True. That."

Levin's POV

I was playing outside yesterday, and there was this weird door by a tree. Levin wants to go check it out!

I walked over to the tree, and sure enough, there was this tiny white door, the perfect size for Levin. I opened the door, and gasped at what was inside.

A/N-- Hai!

Me: And now that I've left a giant cliffhanger, time to go on vacation. Bai!

Readers: I swear to Irene if you do-



You're Welcome.

(I'm not actually going to Didney Wurld...) *sad face*




Return (A Garmau Fanfic) {Book 7} DISCONTINUED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora