Chapter 10 ~ Welcome To Phoenix Drop

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Credit to kittyface2005 for the character of Faith for Laurance~Senpai. Thank you! I'm sorry to anyone who didn't win, but there was no way in Fiore I was adding 89 different girls into this series.

Anyways, On with the chapter.

Laurance's POV

Ok. I know what you're thinking. But I swear, I'm not a crybaby, and I'm not depressed.

Picture this:

You love someone, so much it almost kills you.
Your best friend takes them away from you forever.
It makes you sad, though you refuse to show it because you want to be happy for them.
You have all this emotion bottled up inside of you, for almost two years now.
And you are forced to live alone.
For almost two years.
You're just starting to get over it, when you do something stupid.
And now your two closest friends probably hate you.

This generates an overwhelming amount of emotion for one person to handle at one time, causing that person to lose mental stability.

You guys would refer to this as 'the feels'.


I was high-fived in the feels

With a chair

Made of steel


From hulk

After taking strength enhancers

(I may or may not be writing this at 2:00 am. Okay, I totally am, so you can not judge me if the weirdest crap gets thrown into this chapter...yeah...also, Laurance apparently knows who you are now...and this is all said in an accent because I was watching Dan and Instagram peeps know this...)

Anyways, I was taking my night shift for the final night this week. It was a little chilly outside, but nothing too horrible. Only me and Dante were out. I was taking the duty of the plaza, and the gate, while Dante took the housing area and the farms.

Oh! One thing that I completely forgot to mention. Aphmau's elementary school friends, you know, the one with the sunglasses, the narwhal person, the purple dinosaur, and the most sane person in the group, yeah. They left the village, and went on their way. Apparently, they found a village which had a huge comic shop, and a place where they could work. They never said what village it was, or what job they're after, they just said they were leaving, and left.

Which brings me back top reality, which I have been straying from for like, ever now. Ok? I'm not going to get off topic this time. I was taking my night shift, plaza and gate, a little bit chilly. I was just walking around, nothing had happened all night. A few zombies were coming to the gate, but they fell into a cave in the ground and I haven't seen them since. Woo! Way to go, Laurance! Much drama! (Oh my gosh the writers block is real right now.)

I noticed a girl, just outside of the gates. She was walking towards the Phoenix Drop gate. Her black hair was tied into a side plait, and she was wearing a white dress, that went down to a few inches below her knee, with brown sandals. Her silver bracelet gleamed in the moonlight.

"Excuse me, would it be okay if I stayed in this village for a while? I've been out here for a while, and I would really appreciate it if I could stay in a safe place for a bit." She asked quietly, stopping in front of the gate.

"Oh-Of course. Say, aren't you cold? It's pretty chilly tonight." I replied, and she smiled.

"No. I actually really like the cold. Winter is my favourite season." I opened the gate, and she came in, and sat down on the bench.

"What's your name? And why are you out here so late at night anyways?" I asked her.

"It's Faith. And I'm actually hiding from the shadow knights who're after my magicks."

"S-Shadow knights?"

"Yes. They killed my family 18 years ago, and now they're back and want my magicks." I could feel myself becoming ashamed of what I was. Shadow knights. They brought harm to this kind, sweet girl, and I was one of them. I know, I would never do such horrible things, but still, I can't help feeling guilty. Faith looked at me, "Is something wrong? You've been silent."

"Oh, uh, no. I'm just...thinking."

"I know we've only met, like, a few minutes ago, but I'm here to talk if you need to. Speaking of which, you never told me your name."

"My name? It's Laurance."

"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you Laurance. Thanks for letting me in."

"No problem. If you want to stay overnight, you're welcome to. I can introduce you to the townspeople tomorrow if you'd like."

She smiled, "Thanks, that would be great!" Standing up, she left.

That girl.

She was something else.

A/N-- Yo.

I know, it's been forever and a day since I've last updated, but some lovely people on Instagram kept reminding me that I have responsibilities.

I'm totally not avoiding anything.

But seriously, I keep saying how scared I am for the last chapter in this series, and you keep saying that I have nothing to be afraid of.

I have a good reason to be afraid.

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I shall see you later.


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