Chapter 13 ~ Butterfly Effect

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Zoey's POV

I had finally finished cleaning up after breakfast, and Levin and Malachi were getting bored from their toys. They had already built a castle out of Legos in the basement and took turns bouncing balls down the stairs to see who's would reach the bottom faster. Malachi has also attempted to teach Levin how to play marbles but Levin was having trouble shooting the marble in the right direction. After they broke one of the Lego castle's towers with a marble, I decided to take them out for a bit, to the field just East of the village so they could run and play and explore or something that doesn't involve almost breaking a window with a marble.

Anyways, the field was filled filled with daisies, which were attracting butterflies. A bright green and black one landed on Malachi's head (known as the Malachite butterfly...who knew?) and a bright blue one in Levin's hand (The blue morpho).

"Zoey look! The butterfly on my hand!" The excited child exclaimed to me jumping up and down. Surprisingly, the butterfly remained with him the whole time.

"Be careful with it Levin, you don't want to hurt it, do you?"

"No. Levin will be careful!"

I looked at Malachi, who was chasing a small one around. It had orange and black one on the inside of it's wings, and brown on the outside. (Painted lady butterfly. It disguises itself to look like a poisonous monarch butterfly, so birds won't eat it, hence the orange and black. Don't ask how I know these things.)

This was a new experience.

Aphmau's POV

After the whole 'incident', Garroth and I decided to spend the whole day together. Our daily routine wasn't any different though. I did my rounds with Garroth at my side, and I stayed with him while he guarded the village. We did stop at Kawaii~Chan's for chocolate cake though, before making our way to the plaza to check on everyone there.

I noticed when we entered the plaza, that right away, Faith came up to us and started to chat. She had been living in Phoenix Drop for just over three weeks, and she was such a treat to have in the village. Sometimes we hear her play the flute, or the guitar, and she's really talented. And she spends a lot of time with Laurance. I saw that as soon as we entered the plaza, Laurance left. I'm pretty sure that he saw us, but maybe he didn't. I assume he only left for guard things. But the weird thing is, he never talks anymore. I haven't spoken to him since, well, since before the 'rootbeer incident'. Except for the occasion 'hi' when we walk past each other. I don't think he's avoiding me, I mean, what reason does he have to avoid me? I've tried to make plans to go for cake or something, but he doesn't respond to my notes, and he's always busy when I talk to him in person. Maybe that's it...maybe he's just really busy.

Laurance's POV

Faith still doesn't know that I'm a shadow knight. I want to tell her, believe me, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I fear that if she finds out what I am, she'll think that I'm after her power too and then she'll hate me. I don't want to live with another person hating me.

I don't think I can.

Aphmau's POV

Emmalyn came up to us today, and said she needed to discuss something with us. In private. So we went to her house.

"What is it, Emmalyn?" I asked once we were sure that no one was around.

"Now I know you're going to think that this is crazy, Aphmau, but I think you might be some sort of magical being." She was excited, and this information surprised Garroth as much as it surprised me.

"What?! How do you that?!"

"Think about it! Remember when Zane hit you with his sword, and you had stitches all up the side of your face? With an injury that bad, normal people wouldn't even be able to see out of both eyes! And you didn't even get a scar!"

"Well, I guess I never really though of that-"

"And when Garroth died! Zoey tells me that you brought him back by breaking Colton's pendant. People can't just break a necklace and bring the dead back to life! Aphmau, those things just don't happen!"


"And what about Garroth's recover, from that whole fiasco with Zane?! I'm betting he's affected by your powers too, whatever they may be! Aphmau, it all makes sense!" Emmalyn made a convincing argument, but me? A supernatural being? I just can't see it happening.

I don't know, this is all so crazy.


I wrote this whole chapter in one sitting, are you proud of me? This chapter was originally going to be Aphmau and another amnesia but I decided to replace that with something else. Hue hushes, and after that, it's probably going to be the end of the book. And part one of the series. So yeah.

Also, if you didn't notice, I created chapter covers for each chapter, my favourite is the one I made for chapter nine. I don't know why, I just like it. But whenever I see the picture, I want to just jump in and comfort the person. Like, why is Senpai so sad?! I wish I could completely change that!

Oh wait...I can...but the butterfly effect! I would literally have to change the whole plot of the next part in the series! One important event would not have happened and the whole thing would be ruined...I'm sorry Senpai!

And if you don't know, the butterfly effect is basically where one tiny event in the past causes some big outcome in the future or something like that. Like simply putting a plastic bag in the cupboard instead of on the table could save somebody from suffocation (most likely a small child) or wearing snow proof gloves could stop you from putting them on the heater, causing a big fire which kills your whole family and you become an orphan to be adopted by a secret agent to be trained to be the world's youngest assassin who is ordered to stop some evil person (probably named Michi) from launching the biggest nuclear attack on planet earth and forcing any survivors to live on Venus. (Who is my favourite Sailor Scout)

That was oddly detailed...don't ask where it came from...



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