A Positive Hope

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How such a thing was possible, Leia couldn't comprehend. So little it took to make something so wonderful, but the pain when it didn't work . . . it hurt worse than she thought it would.
Leia brushed her bangs past her ears and wiped her eyes on her long sleeve. Her sleeve came away wet. She stared at the test for a second longer before jumping to her feet to leave. Before she could even leave the refresher, though, she was overcome by racking sobs and she leaned against the door, pounding on it, trying to make the pain stop. She slid back down to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest and crying, sobbing into her arms. It wasn't fair, she thought. It wasn't fair. She'd finally seen this whole scenario as Han saw it and Leia wanted no more than to feel that kind of joy. But, the two had been trying several months for their first child with no success.
Today she'd been hoping. Today, she'd been hoping the morning's results would be different. But, they weren't. A part of her almost felt bad, guilty. As though she "knew" it was safe to assume that she was the one to blame, that maybe she wasn't capable of carrying. It would break Han's heart, Leia knew, as it had hers. He'd spent their first several months begging, working feverishly to convince her it was okay, to show her how wonderful their lives could be if they made just one more addition to their duo. And Leia, after months of Han's relentless efforts, had fallen in love with the idea, fallen in love with the image she'd conjured in her mind of a precious child that was half hers and half Han's. Perhaps, it wasn't meant to be.
Sniffling, wiping the last tears away, Leia got up and left for the Solo family room. Family room. Though the term 'living room' was predominantly used by both, Han had started calling it the family room when Leia had agreed to starting a family. It would be their family room, for their family.
She sighed in defeat, dropping the pregnancy test into a little baggy with the rest. She went to the comm station to tell Doctor Cilghal the repeating results when she noticed the Healer had sent her a message already. She frowned, opening it up.
"Leia, I'm home!" she faintly heard Han call as the entry door opened.
Her eyes quickly skimmed over the message, widening when she reached the end. She mentally highlighted the last sentence, tears already brimming in her eyes. Her hands flew to her mouth and her body began to tremble and shake.

"Leia," Han said, coming up from behind her to wrap her up in his arms. "How are you Princess?"

Leia turned in his arms, still trembling. She stood on her toes, bringing her mouth to his ear to nervously whisper, "Han, we're pregnant."

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