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"Did it work?" she asked again. Allana could only shrug at her aunt's question as she scurried about the ship, making sure they had landed safely and no harm had come to her baby. Her grandfather had the Falcon, she had the Chance.
  Her and her aunt had just attempted a new trick with the Force that could be revolutionary, but also extremely dangerous, if successful. Time travel. Her aunt had picked the destination and Allana was genuinely scared about what time Jaina had chosen. There was a deep fear that she held inside herself about seeing her father again, when he was younger, innocent, so much kinder than he had become. Allana knew she was taking a risk by trusting her aunt, but she was excited about this too.
  She finally stopped chasing her own tail around her ship and rested her hands on the control board. "Why don't we finally go see?" Jaina gave the landing ramp, which was not yet lowered, a wild look of eager, thrill, and anticipation. She ran forward and, with nervous hands, worked to lower the ramp. It clicked as it unlocked. Jaina stopped to trade an excited look with her niece. "Well?!" Allana shouted at her, pushing on the ramp. "Let's go see!"
  Quickly, Jaina shoved it open and descended the ramp. She pulled a casual cloak over her features, only showing her eyes. She'dd never worn such an accessory, but insisted that, if this really worked, it would be necessary. Allana followed her down calm streets flooded with people carrying paintings and cloths in their arms. The scene was peaceful, calming, friendly, and everyone seemed very happy. It amazed Allana.
  "You look foreign," said a voice, startling Allana out of her reverie. "Where are you two darlings from?" She turned to see a young man with dark, curly hair and olive skin approaching her. He smiled warmly. But, his thick accent caught her off guard. For some reason, it sounded so familiar!
  "Uh, Corellia," she answered, reaching out a hand to shake his. "And Hapes."
  "Well, it is a wonderful time to visit Alderaan," he said, taking a glance around. Allana swung her gaze to her aunt who just smiled back. "Aldera's art shows are just wonderful this time of the year. The sun is out, inspiration is aplenty. Well, it was wonderful meeting you both. Please, do enjoy your stay!"
  She nodded. "Thank you." So, that was why his accent sounded so familiar! She was used to hearing that Alderaanian accent from Leia. Her grandmother had never lost her Alderaanian accent even to this day. She looked back to Jaina and asked, "Why Alderaan?"
  "I grew up with stories about this place. Me, your father, and uncle were left to come up with our own pictures of what Crevasse City and Aldera must have looked like. I have always wished I could actually see it one day. And here it is."
  "What year is it?"
  "Mom would be a little girl, probably about four or five."
  "You're kidding!"
  They took a look around at all the beautiful, artistic paintings until Jaina found one she thought she recognized from being shown by her mother. It was one of Leia's favorites and Jaina's as well. It was a world, which one doesn't matter, but it was painted in all kinds of exotic, extravagant colors. It was a painting done by the great Veno Accenio.
  "Lelila!" they both heard a woman call out to her daughter as she chased her around the vendors. "Lelila, slow down, sweetheart!"

  "But, Mama! Accenio's paintings are over here! Come on, Mama! Papa!"
  An older man chuckled, following after her. "Relax, Lelila. We have all day. We're coming."

  The little girl skidded to a stop in front of Accenio's painted world and she sat down in the grass to just stare at it. She had long brown hair tied up in mini buns and deep brown eyes. She froze, looked to Jaina and Allana. "Do you like Accenio's My New World too?" she asked. Jaina sat down next to her mother and nodded. "Yeah, I do. It's my favorite painting."

  "I just love all the pretty colors!" little Leia squealed in delight, hugging a stuffed tauntaun toy to her chest. It reminded Allana of her own, the one her father had given her when she was just a little girl. Allana had named it after the man who had given it to her. Jacen.
  "That's a fun, little tauntaun toy you got there," she smiled, pointing at the purple toy.
  "Papa got it for me. His name is Jacen."
  Allana's gaze swung to her aunt and Jaina just smiled back. "Well," Jaina said to her mother. "I'm so glad I found someone else who shares my love for Accenio and My New World. There aren't enough people who know great art like you do."

  The girl gasped, looking to Jaina for a second before returning to studying the painting before them. "Don't you just love all the new colors Accenio makes? And I know what it means. The painting. I wish every world was like that and not just Alderaan. Can we talk about it together?" Leia beamed up at Jaina, causing the daughter to beam back. "Maybe later, okay?" Then, she turned and left for the Chance with Allana. "Soon."

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