Reunion Part 2

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A/N: All thanks due to jb_twd_spn for requesting a part 2 to Reunion!

  "Mama!" she faintly heard Jaina yelling in her ear, tugging on her skirt. "Mom! Are you okay, Mom? Mom!" But she couldn't find the strength to get sound to come from her mouth. Yes, her mouth was moving, but nothing came out. Anakin wriggled out of her hold until he was standing on the ground. He stood behind his mother with Jaina and Jacen and told them, "I think something's wrong with Mom."

  "Shush, Anakin!" Jacen lightly slapped his younger brother's arm. "That's mean to say."
  And for what seemed to be hours, Leia stared at Bail and Breha until the latter bit her lip and her shoulders sagged, a hand going to her mouth. "Lelila," Bail muttered, a hand reaching out to caress her cheek. "Lelila, is it really you? Is that really you, my dear?"
  Leia could only manage a small nod, tears filling her eyes. "It's me," she finally managed, and she collapsed and fell into their embrace, sobbing, shoulders shaking. "It's me, Daddy. It's me. Your Lelila."

  "Uh-oh," little Anakin gasped as he watched the scene. "Mommy's crying still. That's not good."
  Leia slowly pulled out of the hug to smile down at her youngest child and shake her head, scooping him up into her arms. "No, baby. Mommy's fine. I'm only crying because I'm so happy. Does that make sense?"
  The little boy turned his bright blue-eyed gaze to the two dark-skinned adults and shook his head, resting it against his mother's shoulder.
  "This is my mommy and daddy," she explained while Bail and Breha could only stare at the children now, completely blown away by it all so fast. "They're your guys' grandparents."
  "Oh, Leia!" Breha cried as she hugged her daughter again. "Look at you! So many years later, all grown up with your own little ones!" She laughed, more tears coming to her eyes and, with Bail, she kneeled before the other two children.
  "Hi, sir," the girl waved, clinging to her mother's side. "I've heard about you before. Mommy likes telling us lots of stories about you and Alderaan. I think she's really missed you."
  Bail smiled up at his daughter, taking her into his arms once again and saying, "I've missed her, too."
  "How, how are you alive?" Breha managed in her state of shock, taking hold of Leia's arms and shaking them. "We heard the Tantive IV was boarded by Imperials and all the crew killed. We left Alderaan right away, looking for you. We gave up a while ago. Leia, we thought you were dead!"
  "Mama, I thought you and Daddy were both dead! I watched it happen. They forced me to! I was on the Death Star and Tarkin made me watch as Alderaan was destroyed. I've thought you both dead this whole time."
  There was another long moment of silence while the parents and daughter could only stare, their feelings a mess of emotion at his joyous reunion. When Leia could finally find her words again, she said to them, "I can't believe you're both here. I found you. I've gone too long without you both and you've missed so much."
  Breha and Bail both turned their gazes to the children and they wiped away tears, nodding in agreement. "We're here now," Bail cried, kissing his daughter and holding her close. "We're here now and I wouldn't miss any of this for the world. I love you, Lelila, and I'm glad you're okay."
  Slowly, he pushed away and gazed at his grandchildren, the two boys and the girl who looked so much like his Lelila. "And look at you," he chuckled, saying to Leia. "You're all grown up with little ones of your own. I'm proud, Lelila. You always make me so proud."

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