Meeting the Captain

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A missing scene from my fanfiction novel An Alderaanian Love Story. Takes place between chapters 28 and 29. Bail gets to meet his daughter's boyfriend!


  It was the swift aroma of lemon-scented cleaning products that jerked Han back to wakefulness. When he opened his eyes, he had no idea where he is. He understood that it was a med-ward he was in, but had no clue as to what planet or what med-center. The last thing he remembered was being at Jabba's palace. Yes, the palace, the ceiling panel . . . Leia. He'd thrown himself on top of Leia, covering her body with his. To protect her. Because that was all he'd meant to do in the first place. Now, he had to wonder, was she okay? Had she made it out safely? Was she hurt? Han was hurt. Very hurt. Every muscle ached and his whole body felt like it was bruised. His back, especially. Because the panel had fallen on his back. Han sighed, looking around the room while he wondered.
  Soon enough, a lady came in and smiled at him, seeing that he was awake. "Memily?"

  "Captain Solo, welcome to the land of the living."

  He tried to sit up, but groaned with the effort and settled back down. Memily made her way over and lifted the bed's back so Han found himself sitting upright. "Just relax, lie back. You took quite a hit the other day."

  "Yeah, I'm feeling it."
  "I'm impressed. No major injuries. I already slipped you through bacta while you were unconscious and your major injuries have healed very well."

  "What major injuries?"

  "Oh, not much, actually. However, you did have little bits of the panel stuck in your back. I gave you stitches for a couple of them."
  "Thanks. Hey, can I ask you a couple things?"
  "You're on Alderaan again," Memily immediately answered his unspoken question, taking notes on a clipboard. "In the royal palace's med-wing, to be exact. Viceroy Organa hasn't yet ordered your arrest, but he asked me to notify him as soon as you wake up. I think he'd like to talk to you."

  "Talk to me?" Han swore under his breath. He was dead.

  "I'm sorry. I already sent a notification to his comm. He's on his way."


  When Leia's father entered his med-room, Han wasn't too intimidated. Like Leia had always explained him, Bail Organa looked to be the exact person that he was. Calm, collected, warm, friendly, compassionate. The only thing about him that Han feared for himself was the father's compassion for his own daughter. Han held the Alderaanian's gaze while he slowly came to take a seat. Their gazes remained locked for a long moment.
  "So," Bail finally spoke first. "You're the man who's been sneaking into the palace through my daughter's window, yes?"
  Han nodded. "Yes."
  "And you've been going on "dates" with my daughter, yes?"
  " . . . Yes, sir."
    Bail looked away, nodding, probably thinking to himself. When he looked back to Han, he said, "I've heard a lot about you this last week. A lot. I'm not quite sure what to think, Captain Solo, but let me remind you that you've hardly given me a single reason to let you off the hook."
  "Yes, I understand, Your Highness."
  "Are you sure you do?"
  Han continued to hold his gaze while he told the viceroy, "I knew I was going to end up in prison, but I had unfinished business. I'm sorry that it put her in danger."

  Bail nodded, not saying a word. Han's heart skipped a beat while a new thought occurred to him and he had to ask Bail, "Is she okay?"
  "Yes," Bail nodded, rising and turning away. He paced the length of the room and stopped. When he turned back to Han, he was crying. "Yes, she's just fine. Completely unharmed. Thanks to you. You realize that you saved her life? Leia, small and skinny and hardly weighs half as much as you? That panel would have crushed her. You saved her from getting hit."
  "You did," Bail said again, his voice almost harsh in manner. He sighed. "Look, as of right now, I don't really like you. However, if it weren't for you, my daughter would be severely injured. Or dead. And, apparently, you're a decent guy. Those are the only reasons I'm giving you a chance."
  "You're giving me a chance?"
  "A significantly small one, but, yes. Now, I am going to give you a full minute to run your mouth, say whatever you think, whatever comes to mind, and then I'll judge you. Ready? Go."

  For a moment, Han didn't say anything. He considered what to say, but there was little he wanted to say. He was only filled with questions and worry. For Leia. "Was Leia injured at all?"
  Bail stared at him like he was confused. He seemed to be taking Han in, surveying him, trying to figure him out. It reminded Han of how a child might stand before the cage of an animal's exhibit's newest addition, learning, trying to figure out what it was and what it did. "Why did you come here?" he settled to ask instead, leaving Ha's question unanswered. "What interest do you have in Leia?"
  "Is Leia okay?"

  "Why did you stay so long? Why are you trying to protect her?"
  "Because I love her. I came here to escape my bounty and I met Leia. I fell in love with her and that's why I stayed. That's why I tried to protect her. That's the reason for every decision I've made since I fell in love with her. I stayed because I loved her. I left because I loved her. I put myself in harm's way for her because I . . . " Han suddenly stopped, realizing that he wasn't saying the right words. he started over again. "I risked my life for her because I care about her. And it's been a long time since I've cared about anything."
  "Why do you love her? If you expect me to allow any kind of relationship between you and my daughter . . . Listen, Solo. I'm going to tell you a story and I want you to understand ow much I care for her. Then, I can listen to you. And maybe we'll understand each other better.
  "My wife and I always wanted to have a girl of our own. We tried for years, but doctors told us there was no point. It crushed us both and we were about to give up hope . . . and then Leia came into our lives. I knew her mother very well; she was a close friend of mine. She died in childbirth, orphaning Leia and I eagerly agreed to adopt her. She's the only daughter I have. I love her like my own. If I have to give her away, I want to know that I'm at least giving her to someone who loves her as much as I do; someone who is willing to die for her."

  Like you, Han read the unspoken comment straight out of the father's mind. He'd gone out to face his past crimes, expecting to die . . . for Leia. Everything for Leia.
  "What's your story?" Bail asked.

  "I had no life before I came here and met her. I had no purpose, no goal, no aim. I did things for money. That's all that I ever did. I flew around in a junky spaceship with a wookiee for a best friend and pretended that I didn't want to care about anything. I pretended that I was satisfied with my empty life . . . but I wasn't. Then, my nothing, empty life brought me here. And I met her. And everything changed. I didn't want to admit that I'd fallen for her because it was new and scary and I was scared of how much it would hurt once reality woke me up. But, every day, she made me feel better and better about everything; about my life, my purpose. She gave me all those things. She filled my hear, made me whole. We learned together. We grew together. And I knew what my purpose was, then. I'd live for her. I'd die for her. Whatever she needed. I would answer to that need."
  "If you have love for her like you claim, what do you love about her? What makes her beautiful? What makes her strong? What quirks and habits do you love?"
  "Every one of them."

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