One Night

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He dared not refuse the queen.
Takes place in Dark Nest: Joiner King by Troy Denning, when Jacen visits Tenel Ka on Hapes
All quotes are direct quotes from the book. I wrote the rest. (That's kind of sad . . .)
  "I think my suitors have had enough time to plot your death."
  "I'm glad I could bring them together."
  Tenel Ka stopped before a column and smiled a glittering, seductive smile at him. "Fact. Yes, you have been very useful that way. I hope you will stay the night. It would even more effective." Her smile, in a flash, turned bewitching and Jacen's stomach started doing flips.
  "Tenel Ka," he began, discreetly wiping sweat off his pants. He hoped he wasn't blushing. ". . . I didn't come here to . . . to become your paramour."
  Tenel Ka quickly stepped back, appearing generously astonished and maybe even hurt that Jacen would suggest such. "You won't," she assured him, slowly taking the steps back to him. "Paramours are playthings." With her only hand, she danced her fingers up his front. Jacen tried not to let his nervousness show. "And I would never play with you, Jacen Solo."
  Jolts of electricity shot up his spine and Jacen fighter it best to keep his mouth sealed in order to assure that no delirious laughs escaped. Whydo was he even thinking about it? He dared not refuse the queen. "Then I'll stay," he agreed, moving one hand to her hip. With the other, he wiped back long ringlets of red-gold hair from her face. "But it can only be one night."
  Tenel Ka just smiled. "One night is fine. One night will be very useful."

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