Runs In the Family

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Dialogue Prompt:
"Well, that's . . . twisted of her."
"I think it runs in the family."
  I really feel like Corran (or Mara!!) or someone else from the EU Jedi Council would say this about the Solos!
  "It's a bit late, don't you think?" Allana Solo asked of her boyfriend Chance Calrissian as he tried handing her a single flower with a long, purple stem. Masters Corran Horn and Kyle Katarn watched on, snickering.
  "I'm sorry, Lana. I was-"
  "Busy. So you already told me. Not hanging with your friends last night, partying while I wondered when my own boyfriend would at least call to wish me a happy Life Day." While she spoke, Allana just nodded. Accepting the green, spiky flower, she said, "My cousin told me." She snapped the stem and crushed the flower's petals under her boot. Then, she proceeded to reac out with the Force and pull down Chance's pants, walking away without another word.
  Kyle just watcher her, wide-eyed. "Well, that's . . . twisted of her."
  Corran shook his head. "I think it runs in the family."

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