Gaining Daddy's Approval

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Second and last missing moment for my fanfic novel An Alderaanian Love Story.


  "Good morning, Captain Solo," the Alderaanian viceroy greeted Han upon entrance into his med-room. He came carrying a tray of breakfast food; hotcakes, nerf sausages, and a glass of elba water.

  Han nodded back, acknowledging him with a quick, "Sir."

  Bail pulled out a tray over Han's bed and set the food tray down on it. "Breakfast is served," he said.
  "Thank you, sir." Han took his fork and cut off a piece of one of the hotcakes, dipping it into his syrup and eating it. He smiled wanly. "Sorry to say it, but nothing beats Corellian hotcakes. No one does it like home."
  Bail shrugged in agreement. "Then, perhaps, you would enjoy something more native to Alderaan? Maybe, tomorrow. Oro bark, perhaps?"
  "Sounds mighty fine."

  Bail watched him for a moment and Han tried his best not to feel creeped out or worried. When Bail spoke again, he asked, "I'm glad we had our conversation yesterday. I think we both took away some things from that. Now, I thought on it all of last night and I came back here to ask you something."
  "What is it?"
 "I would like for you to give me a reason why I shouldn't arrest you."
  Han set down his fork, chewed on a sausage link and started to think about every charge the viceroy could pit against him. Breaking into the royal palace, stalking, bringing, however small, illegal substances and weapons on planet. So the list went. Han looked back up to Leia's father and shrugged. "I honestly can't."
  "You're not even going to try?"

  "I could sit here and confess to all my crimes if that's what you would like."
  "No, I didn't ask or reasons why I should arrest you. I asked for reasons why I shouldn't. So, are you going to think up one or not?"
  "I already told you, sir. I can't."

  "Hm. Well, that sure is funny considering I can come up with a few."
  "That sounds a little backwards, don't you think?"
  "Perhaps. Let's see. Well, for one, Leia believes you're dead and she's overwhelmingly distraught over it."

  Han quickly looked up at the mention of her, his heart pounding with fear.
  "You risked your life to save hers. You've made her happier than I've ever seen her. You've been listening to her this whole time while haven't. There, I gave a few. Do you have anything to add."
  "I left because I'm not good for her," Han argued, no longer able to hold Bail's gaze. "I left because I care about her and I didn't want her to get hurt because of something I did-"

  "And yet another reason. Splendid, Solo-"

  "Why are you doing this?" Han asked, his anger rising as he looked back up to Bail. "Why are you keeping me here? Why are you helping me? Why don't you just throw me back to where I belong already-"
  "I'm afraid that you don't understand where you truly belong, Han. See, you think that you're wrong for Leia. You admit to every mistake you've made in her presence and out. You tell me every reason why you've protected her and I tell you every reason you shouldn't go. I think you belong elsewhere. I think you belong closer to my daughter. Now, believe me, these are no easy words for a father to say, but how long can I keep up this lie to myself? I care about Leia which means that I care about you. You make my daughter happy. You keep her safe. Therefore, I can't come up with an equivalent reason as to why I should keep you away from her.

  "She thinks you're dead and she's falling into depression over it. She misses you and she needs you to buoy her back up. So, let me ask again, Solo. Why shouldn't I arrest you?"
  Once again, Han looked away, realizing that Bail's care and concern and love for Leia ran deeper than he thought. He loved and cared for Leia so much . . . he was willing to disregard Han's crimes to let them be together. As that realization sunk in, Han realized something else about Bail. Or, something Bail did. "You fired the blaster shot," he said, not asked.
  Bail smiled, pleased. "Yes. Of course, I did. Who else would have?"
  "You fired the shot to create a distraction . . . to get me out."

  "Maybe we did just meet, but I've learned a lot about you in not a lot of time. All I know is that you make my daughter happy. And I can't watch her stay depressed like this. Han, I want you to stay with Leia."

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