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When Jaina announces her and Jagged Fel's relationship is official, Kyp tries to move on.
In Kyp's POV, what he'd never actually say to Jaina
  The Council always thought she looked a little funny. For a while, Master Horn even joked about it. I only find it funny now because I hadn't even realized it before. And I can promise you she didn't find it funny once people started to realize what was going on. I know you don't think it's funny. I don't either. Not really. Once I get over the funniness of my own misery and heartbreak, all I can think about is how much I miss you. And that's where she came in.
  I'm pretty sure you thought I was joking whenever I said something that implied how I really felt about you. I can't blame you. You, Goddess, have always been out of my reach. I had never really expected to get anywhere with you, but it just hurt when the wake-up call came for me; you and Fel are engaged.
  Congratulations, Goddess. I guess. At first, I didn't hurt. It took a while for the burn to become noticeable. But when it did, I needed something to numb the pain. And fast. That's how I found her. Quite honestly, I can't even remember her name half the time. Rhy something . . .? Her looks never irked me. Although, I do remember seeing her for the first time and thinking she was absolutely gorgeous. Funny how these things work, huh? She was actually pretty nice. She was social enough, fun, interesting, but I always felt like our relationship was a little hollow. It wasn't until that day at your uncle and mom's birthday party when your dad said it aloud that I realized it was true. She looked just like you.

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