Chapter 5

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"The only way to truly know a persons character is to argue with them. For when they argue in full swing, then they reveal their true character" - Unknown - Google images

Taylor's P.O.V

I sit in my car outside school waiting for Patrick and his nerd crew to come out of the building so I can get this over and done with.

It's 3:30pm and he should be coming out from what ever he does everyday after school. Being his friend for 4 years before I became popular pays off because I know his schedule. In all the years I knew him he never told me what club he went to after school everyday and I never questioned it because he was.....weird and I just assumed he went to book club or the library or something. He never let me come with him though.

I see Patrick walk out of the doors with his nerd crew on time and then say goodbye. He starts to walk towards the bus stop and I start the engine. I pull up to the bus stop where he's standing and roll the window down.

"Are you getting in then?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes and opens the door, then get's in.

"Thank you for the lift" he tells me and buckles his seatbelt as I drive off. The car ride is quiet and I can't take this silence but it's been years and I haven't talked to him in ages.

"So nice car" he says and I sigh with relief that he's the first one to talk.

"Ye it sure is. Got it a while ago; from my dad" why did I have to add that in.

"Oh wow well he's definitely doing well them. Is you're dad and mum still doing ok?, Oh and how's you're mum?" he asks and my body stiffens at the words.

"Oh...yeah he's definitely doing well and yep still going strong and she's fine; still working"

"Oh well that's great. How's Jake?" I look to him but he's looking straight ahead.

"He's fine" I give quick answers and the car falls silent again. Nothing but the sound of the wheels on the open roads that lead to Patrick's mum's house. Patrick lives out of town, about a 45 minute drive to school and an hour's drive from my house but 5 minutes away from his before I moved. He lives in a small village (out of town) and Mark his best friend, also a old friend of mine but when the friendship between me and Patrick fell apart I didn't see a reason to stay friends with Mark and neither did he.

"I see you haven't changed anything here" I say pointedly looking at the small house degraded by weather and time as we drive down the small roads to Patrick's house.

"Yep. We like to keep it traditional" It's silent until he speaks again. "Do you ever miss this place" he asks and I'm lost for words.

"Not really" I answer truthfully and he nods slightly then turns to carry on looking out of the window.

I feel slightly bad that I just insulted his home town but it's the truth. It's not the fact that I hate the town, it's just I have so many memories that I prefer not to bring up.

We arrive at his house and I stare up to see the same old small cottage that still stands proud, even with the paint flacking off and cracked.

"Well this is it. I'm sorry if it's not what you're used to anymore" he says with a slight harsh tone then gets out as I follow him. Having to run to catch up to his long strides. It was a lot easier when we were younger when I could keep in stride with him.

"Oh no its just how I remembered it from before and I don't mind coming here. In fact I think it's beautiful" he looks over at me as he unlocks the door and a small smile appears on his face but it's quickly wiped away as the door opens.

I slept with the Bad Boy's Girl COMPLETED (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now