Chapter 23

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Patrick's P.O.V

Well it's time. Yesterday the nurse - who I have gotten to know and now know her first name is Jenna. I know nice name right, came in yesterday and told me that it's time to take her out of the induced coma and bring her back around. In some ways relief washed through me but on the other hand I was scared as it means she is probably going to be in pain and I will have to explain everything and everything will become complicated at least when she was asleep I could pretend everything was fine and that she was fine.

The police have came back with evidence and there charging him with a sentence of 18 years with no chance of bail or parole. That's what they want to go for but I don't think it's enough but they said that he's also going to be charged with intent to kill which is like manslaughter but he didn't kill her and he meant to kill her as he planned it. They think that the evidence is really strong against him and that the judge will probably not take long to make a decision.

I hear a knock on the door as I stare out of the window. I continue to face the window as the person enters.

"Patrick" It's Jenna. I turn around.

"Ye?" I ask looking at her as she fully steps into the room.

"It's time to wake her up. Would you like to be in the room or would you prefer to go outside until she is fully out of the coma and awake?" I look towards Taylor and smile as I know I'm going to see her bright eyes sparkle as soon as they open. It feels like an eternity since I've seen them.

"I think I'll stay. I want to be the first person she sees so she's less distressed when she opens her eyes. I think she'll need someone to calm her" she nods then turns the lights off and I look at her as she closes all the blinds and the door. She sees my weird look.

"It's better for their eyes once they wake up. Think of how sensitive your eyes are when you wake up in the morning after 8 or 9 hours or so sleeping she's been asleep for a good 4 weeks now and her eyes would have gotten used to the dark. We need to give her time to register her surroundings and dark rooms are less stressfull than light ones". I nod as she walks over to Taylor's machines. She switches off the oxygen which was fed through a tube in her throat then moves to grab a small needle and places it into the small opening which is inserted into her vain on the back of her hand.

"Right that's the injection which brings her out of the coma. When she wakes up we'll need to take the tube out. It's uncomfortable so you'll need to make sure she doesn't try and pull it out as it could damage her throat. It could be a few minutes even an hour before she wakes up as it needs time to get through her system. She won't be fully awake as soon as she opens her eyes as the medicine that keeps her asleep will still be in her system. Just press that red button once she wakes up and I'll be in to take her tube out" I nod as she leaves the room the noise outside getting loud then becoming a murmer as the door opens and closes.

It's so weird having her being so quiet I want her smiling face back. Mark is going to come round later with my mum to bring me food and things to wear and check up on us. But my mum isn't staying, if Taylor's up by then, then I don't want them in the same room together for longer than 3 seconds. Any longer they'll be a cat fight.

I hear a slight murmur and my head whips to Taylor's bed. Shes moving slightly I'm guessing all her limbs are hurting from lieing in bed for so long and from her 'accident' with her mums boyfriend.

I get up and sit next to the bed. She starts moving even more and I wonder if I should push the button but I want to see if she's really fully awake yet or if it's part of the coma. Her eyes flutter open and there a dark deep blue she looks up at me and it's a weird feeling as we stand...just staring at each other. I wonder what she's thinking. The her eyes dark downwards towards her mouth and she gives a weird expression mixed with many emotions I never even knew we had or that was possible to show.

I press the red button without thinking and Jenna comes straight in. Wow she must have known or was she just waiting.

"Hi Taylor" she cues as Taylor; still dazed from the sleep medicine looks at her very confused then turns her attention back to the big tube coming from inside of her mouth.

"Can you cough for me Taylor and I'll get this out for you" Taylor seems to understand a bit more as she seems to get her bearings better. She coughs small but it's enough as Jenna pulls slowly and the tube comes out and I can't believe she had that down her throat it is so big.

"How do you feel Taylor?" Jenna asks as she takes a seat next to Taylor on the bed as I take my position on the seat next to the bed.

"Like I've been lay in a bed in the same position for weeks while someone was sat on me as well" She tells us and I can't help smile as I know she hasn't lost her common sense and humour. Jenna smiles and looks at me then back to Taylor.

"Do you know why you're here?" She asks and I hold my breathe.

She pauses for a moment as she reaches down to her legs then up to face. I wince as she feels her nose which has a bandage with bits of take keeping to together and then it moves to her face where her bruises are. I fight back the tears and she takes a deep breathe and looks at her legs. I can't help it as tears well up in my eyes. She knows and I know it. She looks up and the tears are streaming down her face as she opens her mouth.

"He tried to kill me and he did this to me" She moves her hands around gesturing to her whole body and Jenna looks crestfallen as she looks at me and I look away feeling guilty that I couldn't help her.

Taylor looks up at me with fresh tears just spilling over her eyelashes then falling to her cheeks and cascading down them. I see her eyes lighten in colour from a dark deep blue to a lighter green-ier blue and I know she see me now...clearly.

She reaches up and outstretches her arms for me and I don't hesitate to hold her in my arms being careful of all her injuries and her wires that poke out everywhere and everywhere.

Later on Jenna leave us to stay together and I refuse seeing anyone for the rest of the night. We spend the rest of the night cuddled together her head laying on my bare chest as I stroke her hair gently being careful of the bandages but not so much that she feels I'm being fragile with her because she's injured. Just so much that she knows I want to be gentle with her and always will be.

We lay in each others arms watching the moon beams shine bright across the rest of the room making shadows as they fall and rest in areas and on the walls.

On that night she looks up at me and I look down at her.

"I love you Taylor"

"I love you too Patrick"

It's silent and it's still for now as she falls asleep and I hear her peaceful faint breathing. I'm happy...she's happy.

For now.......


I know it's not Friday and it's only Tuesday but I was feeling in the mood to visit Taylor and Patrick today and see how their day panned out. Thanks for the votes and the comments. If you haven't voted yet please do and I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Brandan (A.K.A Louise) xxx

I slept with the Bad Boy's Girl COMPLETED (Unedited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ