Chapter 16

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I'm about to follow Patrick when I catch a glimpse of someone tall with dark hair walk upstairs. I turn my head and catch him walking up the stairs. I know it's him as he's wearing his normal checked shirt he wears. It's his faviroute.

I look towards Mark and Patrick and see him talking to Mark and it doesn't seem that bad so I decide to follow my curious mind and follow him upstairs. 'Why hasn't he come to say 'hi' already or atleast gave me a hug or something'. Are questions that run through my mind as I climb the stairs.

There's people everywhere, some making out or some just having friendly gossip. There's a bunch of girls my age outside a door and they giggle as I walk past. I think nothing off it until one of them speaks.

"Hey are you Taylor Martin" I turn to face them all and I try to work out who spoke.

"Yeah why?" I ask.

They giggle again "Are you going out with Jake Daniels?" a short blonde girl asks and they giggle again. What is with all the questions and giggling. I think they've had to much to drink.

"Yes. Why do you want to know?" I ask slightly irritated that this isn't going anywhere.

They giggle and a brunette in the middle of the girls laughs harder than any of the other girls and looks directly at me.

"Then why is he in there and not out here with you?" she asks pointing to the door of the room they are stood next to. She laughs in my face, followed by the other girls.

I give her a 'your pathetic look' but walk towards the door anyway. I grab the handle but don't turn it. I look towards the girls and the brunette one looks back and raises her eyebrows as if to say 'go on then'.

I take a deep breath and turn the nob then walk in. The room's dark but it's light enough outside that a small slither of light shines into the room. Illuminating the room with a deep yellow colour. I look towards the bed and see my worst nightmare.

Jake is on the bed with a girl who I don't know but there naked. She sits on top of him and he's lay with his hands on her arse as she rocks forwards and backwards. I don't care that the door is open and neither do they until they see who is at the door.

Jake looks up and his face goes pale. Eveything rushes through me and I feel anger boil to the point words can't explain. He throws the girl off him and she grabs the covers to protect her modesty. Not like she has any right now. Jake grabs his underwear and slips it on before getting out of the bed.

"Taylor please. It's not what it looks like" he holds his hands up walking towards me. I take steps back. He reaches out but I swipe my hand away from his grasp and look at him as my eyes begin to well with tears.

"Don't touch me. How could you? After everything!" I raise my voice slightly as the tears threaten to fall.

We're in the corridor now and he follows me until he's inches away from me.

"Taylor please. She came onto me" he tells me and I can't believe a word he's saying.

"Oh please. You've been the one after me. Sleeping around behind her back with me. Don't play that trick" I hear from behind him and I look around the side of him and it's her and she's dressed. She squeezes past Jake and he looks at me with confusion written all over his face.

"Wait babe where are you going?" She walks down the corridor and disappears. He looks disappointed and I can't help myself. I feel my hand come into contact with his face. His skin rippling like a pool that's been disturbed; as my hand makes contact with his skin and leaves small ripples moving outwards across his left cheek.

He looks at me eyes blazing with fury. I can't help my tears they come pouring down my face in seconds as he has never looked at me like that before.

"How dare you?" I ask.

"How dare me? How dare you? I only went with her because you was too busy with that weirdo Henry what ever his name is to give me what I wanted.

"It's Patrick for your information and he's been better to me in days than you have ever been in years" I can't believe I just said that but it's true.

He looks at me with disgust and before I know it, his hand lifts to my face and I feel a stinging sensation on my right cheek.

I hold my hand up to my face as I feel Jake walk away. I feel the tears coming hot and heavy again and before I know it there running down my face, fast and there's no way to stop them. I see Patrick's feet in front of me; he always wears the same shoes so I know it's him.

He grabs me and pulls me up to face him. I keep my face down as it suddenly dawns on me that I've been crying and my fatal mistake  is that my mascara isn't waterproof  and my make-up has probably come off slightly as of all the crying I've done and on top of that it was hiding my bruises and now what will I do I can't let him see them.

"Taylor?" I hear him ask. I don't answer and he grabs my chin and pulls it up. I hear a gasp as I put my head up and my heart sinks. The gasp is from the girl that insulted me before with the brown hair, she has her hands up to her mouth and and looks like she might cry. I feel the tears coming again and Patrick looks mortified. I can't make eye contact with him not now, never after today.

I begin to feel hot and the room starts to spin. I have to go. I can't stay here. I throw his hand off my chin and take my shoes off my feet without looking at anyone in the eyes and run as fast as my feet can carry me. I almost stumble over people dancing and swaying to the soft music that is playing now. I can hear Patrick shouting after me but I don't stop. Some people notice me and try to stop me but I'm on a mission. To get out.

I reach the front door and fly out of it into the cool night air. I look for my car and see it parked neatly in a parking space. But I forgot Patrick has my keys. I gave them to him as I thought I'd be drinking tonight but that turned pear-shaped quickly. I lose my energy to run anymore and break down as I slide down the side of my car until my bum feels the cold tarmac below. 

I sit for a while pondering on what happened and how oblivious could I have been to what was happening behind my back.  

Then I hear it.

"When was you going to tell me?"......

Patrick's P.O.V

.....I lift her chin and I see the damage. Her eyes are red and swollen, under her eyes are swollen and puffy, she has bruises all over her face, some faded, some recent and none of them was from what that arsehole just did to her as it was only seconds ago the bruise wouldn't have had time to form at this point.

I can't believe she didn't tell me, I mean I should have known I saw small bruises from time to time but I never guessed anything like this could happen.

She doesn't want to make eye contact and other people have now noticed all the bruises on her face. She suddenly grabs my hand from her chin and yanks it off then without warning she runs away as fast as her legs can carry her. I shout out for her to stop and come back as I want to get to the bottom of what 's happened and how unearth those bruises got there.

She doesn't stop, almost tripping over people's feet on the way to the door for freedom, I guess. I watch as she makes it out of the door as I'm not watching from the bottom of the stairs. I remember that her car keys are in my pocket. I guess taking her keys are worth it after all. She can't go anywhere until she tells me everything.

I leave her to calm down for a while as I talk to Mark and resolve the issues there as I wanted to know what trouble Taylor was getting into and of course I was right, she did get into a lot of trouble. As per usual.

I walk outside and at first looking at her car and around the driveway of the house that the cars are parked in I can't see or hear her until I see a foot poking out of from behind the front of the car.

I walk towards it following my instincts, fearing the worst and I see her sat hunched with her legs to her chest and I can't help but ask the question.

"When was you going to tell me?"............

I slept with the Bad Boy's Girl COMPLETED (Unedited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن