Chapter 13

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Taylor's P.O.V

The next day I get a call from Patrick asking if I'd like to come and pick up his little sister with him and I gladly said yes as I couldn't stand to look at HIM again. I've seen what he did to my mum yesterday. The side of her face was covered but I know what she was trying to hide. I've done it enough.

I grab my shoes and my coat then head out to my car. My mum's lay in bed and probably won't get up until late this afternoon and HE is out somewhere probably getting drunk again.

I head outside and lock the door then turn to head towards my car but I see a pickup truck instead and I realise who it is. My throat feels like it instantly swells as he rolls down his window. Patrick.

"Hey er I know you said you'd come to my house but I thought I'd come and pick you up instead as your always the one who comes to mine and it is a long way for you, so here I am. You can get in if you like" he tells me unlocking the doors as I walk closer in a daze. I can't believe he's here what if he sees something or sees my mum he'll know somethings up. God why couldn't I have seen this coming.

"Oh okay erm can we get going. Please can't make your sister wait can we?" I tell him looking at the windows of the house making sure no ones looking through them or he can't see anything that would look out of the ordinary.

"Are you alright? You seem shaky" he asks placing a hand on my leg. I jump and he removes it quickly with a shocked look on his face,

"Sorry I just had a bad day. I just want to get going, you know. Eager beaver" I tell him plastering a fake smile  on my face. I think he bought it.

Patrick's P.O.V

I didn't buy it. I can see right through it. Sometimes I wonder if she remembers we were friends for ages and I can tell when something's up. For god's sake I love her. I study her, I can't keep my eyes off of her. How can I not notice her moods; when she's happy, sad, angry anything. I can tell. Sometimes I wonder if she's the same person I knew all of those years ago.

I just can't tell.

Taylor's P.O.V

I keep watching the windows as he drives off. I breathe a sigh of relief once we turn off my street.

"We have a few hours before she's needs to be picked up" he tells me and I nod.

"I never knew you had a little sister" I tell him as he drives along roads away for my house.

"That's because she was born 3 years ago, when I was 15. She's alright but she get's on my nerves sometimes" I smile as I watch him from the passenger seat chatting away about how his sister threw her doll out of the window of his car and he had to pull over and get it again as she wouldn't stop screaming if he didn't. He realises I'm smiling at him and he glances at me.

"What?" he asks and I smile then lean over to kiss him. My lips are so close but he suddenly pulls away.

"I thought..." I ask feeling embarrassed as he looks at me confused, with slight horror on his face.

"What...what did you think. That I'll kiss you back?" his slightly raised voice fills the silence of the car. I feel shocked at how he's acting right now.

" just thought that.."

"You just thought that because we've had sex twice I'm going to suddenly kiss you" he shouts raising his voice an octave.

"Well we did it a second time and you didn't seem to deny it so, yeah I did" I shout back and the car falls silent as he nears his town, driving down the long narrow lanes. This is starting to give me daja vu.

I slept with the Bad Boy's Girl COMPLETED (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now