Chapter 12

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"The world will not destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything" - Albert Einstein. (This quote has nothing to do with violence but it ties in with the theme I guess of evil.

MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Matrue readers only to read beyong this point, skip to next chapter if you do not want to read this chapter.....


Taylor's P.O.V

I pull up onto the driveway at my house late afternoon as I decided to stop off for lunch and stay out for a bit before I have to go back. My mum's boyfriend's car is in the drive - I never knew what his name was, and so is hers so I have to park mine in front of the house instead of in it's usual place on the drive.

I head up to the front door and search for my keys praying he's passed out on the sofa and mum's tucked up in bed or something or she's popped out but as I listen carefully I can hear crying and then a loud muffled shout. This continues as I listen at the door until I can't stand outside for ages.

I open the door popping my head around the door and see that the living room is a mess but there's no one here. I walk in and I hear a cry come from the down the hall. As I walk towards it I walk past a picture that's fallen to the floor and is smashed with glass scattered all over the floor around the impact area. I tread carefully, not wanting to get glass trodden in my feet.

I bend down quietly checking no one is going to come out of one of the rooms down the hall and pick the broken picture up. It's the picture of me, mum and dad before he left. It was the last time. She's smiling, really smiling into the camera and my dad's got his arms around my neck and I've got a big beaming smile on my face as I beam into the camera. I obviously thought nothing was going to tear us apart and so did mum by how much she's smiling on this picture.

I put it onto the near by table as to not stand on it again and stand up. My knee cracks and I freeze. The house is silent, I stand frozen shitting myself thinking they heard me but after a few minutes I hear a cry of pain again and a shout from him. I know it's him from years of experience. I've got the bruises to prove it and I know that there not just having rough sex because trust me I've seen and heard all that before. Not going into detail. I creep along the corridor missing places that I know are creaky. Again many years of experience. 

I get closer and closer to the crying and shouts but I don't go in. I walk right by. Well creep by. I've learned not to go in. He could do worse if I interfere. My mum always blames me for making him angry but he is uncontrollable.

I walk to my room and take my dress of and get into the shower making sure to lock the bathroom door.

After getting out of the shower and wrapping a towel around my damp body and check my self in the mirror. My make-up has washed off except for my mascara which is slightly ran down my face but it's still intact as I wipe the stains off of my face. The full extent of my bruises and injuries are evident in the mirror. I have small bruises on my face with a big one taking up most of my left cheek. I have lots of them all over my chest and my legs. I think back to earlier and if Patrick saw them as I hadn't covered these up with make-up as no one sees them really apart from on P.E days, the smalle ones I don't cover blaming them on falling over or smacking my leg on something. It's easy once you get used to lieing about them.

I unlock the door after looking at myself for a while in the mirror and I notice my bedroom door is open. I can't remember leaving it open but I can't remember closing it either. I shrug holding my towel around me and shut the door then listening for the lock, just in case. This room has shielded me away form many things over the years and I'm greatful for it.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when a hand appears around my waist. I know who it is imediantly and try to get to the door again. My hand misses as he pulls me back; I almost slip on my wooden floor as my feet are still damp. He throws me on the bed and I hear the sound of hand cuffs as he holds me down. He's to strong even if I fought him off me. He takes my arm one by one and hand cuffs them to the bed rail. He then get's off me and ties my feet to the bed. My towel is still resting on me covering up the parts that I don't want him to see but I can't do anything. I try getting free but the ropes on my feet and the hand cuffs grip on my arms and legs get tighter causing me pain.

"Sshhhh Don't struggle it will just hurt more" he tells me putting his finger to my lip. I try biting it and he takes it away chuckling.

"No no no don't be naughty or i'll have to punish you" he tells me as I look up to the ceiling.

He walks around then takes his shirt off. Mum wasn't lying he kept himself in shape. He goes to the gym when he can and it pays off with his msucles. I look away at the window as he takes all of his clothes off until he's completely naked.

He then crawls back on the bed and I turn away not wanting to see this as he takes my towel off of me and all the dignity that I had has now dissipated into the air. He licks his lips hungrily as he looks me up and down. He leans over me still on the bed and grabs my chin in his grubby hand.

"Oh darling don't look away. I want you to enjoy this too after all you've been begging for this all the time" he drawls. He's had a few to drink. He runs his fingers from my chin downwards to my chest then down to my stomach then he brushes over my private area and runs his hands down my legs. He looks back up and smiles then his lips are on mine kissing me but I don't kiss back. His hands find their way to my breasts and he begins to move them around. I don't moan because although it feels good I keep thinking off him hitting me and how many women he's probably slept with.

I turn away from his kiss as he chuckles and pushes my legs open with his knees which eases the pain of the rope around my ankles. He closes the gap between us and it takes me back to earlier with Patrick but the difference it that i actually wanted to do it with Patrick. This is just dirty.

He pushes his dick into me but I don't give him the pleasure of moaning or even letting a gasp out of my lips. I keep my head turned towards the door. Longing for it to be over. For me to be able to be alone in here and he not be doing this; or even with me.

He thrusts in and out but I don't make a sound. I feel tears spring to my eyes and I can't help it when they start to fall freely down my face.

"Moan!" he commands but I stay silent not looking at him. He grabs my chin and makes me look him in the eye. "MOAN!" he shouts louder but I shake my head.

He thrusts out then thrusts in harder. It hurts but i don't care I'm not giving it to him. "DO IT!" he shouts as another and another hard thrust. My muscles are aching. My hands and feet stinging where the rope and the metal cut into my skin. With each thrust it get's harder and harder not to cry out in pain. Holding onto the bed rail that my hands are bound to.

"MOAN!!" he shouts one last time as he thrusts extremely hard inside me. I can't take it anymore. A cry of pain rushes out of my mouth. My tears are soaking into my skin and I can taste the salt in them as some of them fall into the corners of my mouth. I feel him cum and then he pulls out.  He reaches over unlocking the handcuffs as I pull my hands down and rub my wrists. He moves to take the ropes off of my feet and then takes them with him and walks out of the room like nothings happened. Slamming the door shut behind him.

I curl up on my bed not bothering that I'm still naked and cry until I can't cry anymore. I cry until a world of darkness over takes me and I'm no longer suffering until tomorrow........

I slept with the Bad Boy's Girl COMPLETED (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now