Chapter 15

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Taylor's P.O.V

The drive to my house is tense. The closer and closer he get's the bigger the lump in my throat get's harder to swallow. 

He keeps looking over at me and I can sense it but I can't look at him so I keep lookin forward dreading the sight of my house as we near the bend.

I see it. The house standing that used to be pristine white but now looks a dull off-white as the years have torn through the layers of paint and dirt from years of wind has covered the walls of the house. I instantly look to the driveway and to my amazement my mum or HIM aren't there. That's weird. I tell him to park on the driveway as he parks up I get out and walk to the front door. I check it and it's locked. I look towards the heavens and thank him or who ever it is up there.

Patrick follows suit behind me carrying a plastic bag.

"What's that for?" I ask peering down to look at the bag.

"My clothes to change into" he tells me waiting patiently for the door to be opened.

"Oh" I say putting the key in the lock and turning. I walk into chaos.

The sofa is in the wrong place and all the cushions have been moved off it. The table is turned over and a coffee has been knocked onto the floor. It's the scene from my nightmares. I walk further into the house and check the kitchen. The house seems to be empty there not here but they had a fight first. I turn to see Patrick shutting the door and turning to look at me with astonishment on his face.

"Don't ask" I tell him angrily grabbing the broom as I begin to brush up the pieces of glass. I feel him kneel beside me and he begins to pick the glass up along with other small things that are on the floor. I realise where the glass has come from. The picture that I picked up a while ago from the floor is laying on the floor with all the glass gone and the photo has fallen out of the frame. It's the same picture of me, my dad and my mum.

It stays silent between us as he's polite enough not to ask questions. We've picked up everything off the floor and we're sorting the furniture again back to where it used to be to make this house look normal. I don't know what to say to Patrick or how to explain but I don't think I can.

"Shall we go and get dressed. We're gonna be late otherwise" I tell him showing my hand to the stairs. He grabs his plastic bag and follows me up the stairs, making no sound.

I get changed in my bathroom as he get's changed in my room. I take a while to get dressed as I know we have a bit of time and they wouldn't really care if we're late as the parties stay on till late. Plus half of the people will be to drunk to notice we've just walked in.

I take my time adjusting my make-up till it's just right and then I get my jem out. It's a short black lace dress with an open back. I lay my hair on my shoulders after it's been curled to perfection and step into my black high heels to match my dress. Once I'm happy that I look good and there's no bruises on show I walk out of the bathroom.

Patrick is looking at my wall and I don't know what for. There's nothing on it except picture of me, my mum and dad before he left. That's it except a picture of me and......Jake. I watch his hands clench at his sindes. His fists balled up, hisknuckles turning white. He picks up the picture and I hold my breath. His hand lifts to the picture and his hand moves across the picture and rests on me. His hand caresses the photo as if he's caressing my face for real. His face is solemn with mixed emotions written all over.

I pretend to be walking out of the bathroom again but I make a small cough so that he doesn't know that I watched that as I don't want to ask but yet I'm intrigued. I can't wait to see Jake this evening as I want to say sorry for being so emotional and uptight with him and not seeing him. He's been kinda mad at the fact that I've been spending time with Patrick but I've told him he's only a friend.

He puts the photo down casually and turns to face me.

"Wow" the word escapes his lips as I twirl in front of the mirror.

"Do you like. I want to impress Jake tonight" I say winking at him. His smile slightly drops as I mention Jake's name but he keeps it up and I shrug it off.

"Yeah. He's gonna love you after this" he says with a slight sarcasm in his voice. I shrug it off again and grab my jacket with my purse. I take a look at Patrick, he's dressed in a black tuxedo and he looks pretty smart. He smells of aftershave like the kind that Jake wears and his hair is slicked back with gell. He looks good.

"Are you ready? Who's driving?" I ask and he nods then looks to the window.

"I will if you want" he offers. I think about it but I shake my head.

"It's ok we'll ride in style. I'll drive" he nods solemnly again and I take him by the hand and lead him out the door and on to the party.


We arrive at the party and we get out. I straighten my skirt and push it up a bit to show off my legs. Patrick looks calm but I can see he's slightly nervous. I lead him inside and I take him to the drinks table. The array is great and I grab one for him and hand it to him then grab myself one. I'm about to put it to my mouth when he pushes it back away from it.

"What was that for?" I ask looking at him.

"If you're driving, you can't drink" he tells me pointedly.

"But I want to" I winge like a child.

"Then I'll drive back then" he says putting the cup back on the table top.

"Fine" I shout over the music that's suddenly sounded out in the background. I hand him the keys and chug the drink down as Patrick looks at me with disappointment while shaking his head. "But be  carefull with her. She's my baby" I tell him giving him a fake menacing look.

I finish a second cup and then Patrick drag me off before I can drink my weight in alcohol. I start to look around for Jake but I can't see him so I text him then text Kat.

Me: Hey it's me. I'm here, where r u??? xxx

I get a reply back instantly.

Kat: Hey girl, you made it and I'm in the games room xxxx

Me: K girl BRT xxx

I grab Patrick's hand and pull him with me towards the games room. I know my way around like the back of my hand as this is Jake's house.

I spot her as I round the corner and I give her a wave to which I get one back.

"Hey. Soooooo glad you could make it" she shouts above the music.

"Me too" I shout back and we both laugh. I look to see where Patick is and he's looking somewhere else but not in the room. He's looking behind me. I whip my head to what he's looing at me I see a guy with a girl but I don't know either of them.

"Who are you looking at?" I ask him and he flicks his eyes downwards to look at me then flicks them back towards the guy.

He shakes his head at me "After everything you can't recognise your own bestie" He tells me with a hint of anger aimed at me but also aimed at the guy. I turn to look back at him and squint.

"Mark?" I ask out loud and someone whispers in my ear.

"Got that right" it's Patrick but it's not his normal calm voice. It's laced with anger. He starts to walk towards the guy and I follow.

He walks towards Mark and he looks up and in that instant I know what's going to go down.......

I slept with the Bad Boy's Girl COMPLETED (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now