Chapter 11

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Love this song "When we were young" by Adele. I believe Adele is truly an inspiration for her voice and for everything she does.

"To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid" - Unknown


Taylor's P.O.V

I take small steps to the tree and reach out. My hand touches the jagged edges off where the initials and each letter has been hand carved into the tree. The letters aren't as prominent as when we first carved them but that was years ago.

I feel Patrick stand next to me as his breath is hot on my neck; he's that close. It was in winter that I carved this. There had been thick snow on the ground and we'd all gone out together to make snow angels and throw snowballs at each other like we did every year.

Patrick carved this with a sharp stone that we found on the ground below the tree. I obviously didn't understand that couples did this on a tree when they we're in love as I was too young and now that we're not on great terms still; it feel weird.

"I remember this" he tells me smiling. I glance at his smiling face and see how happy this makes him.

I look down at his hands and see he's got our things and packed them up. I crumple my eyebrows and look up at him.

"Are we finished?" I ask and he looks down at where I'm looking and he looks back up to me.

"Yeah. I thought we'd go back and we can have something to drink and then we can spread things out a bit more" I nod as  my feet are beginning to hurt standing up to much and being in my high heels to long.

He gives me his arm as I wrap my arm around his and he helps me off the grass and around to my car. We get in and drive off. Back down the narrow lanes to Patrick's house.


We arrive back at his house and I can't believe that I actually had fun for the first time in a while.  He helps me into the house as my high heels are still killing my feet and he has a lot of grass in his garden. Remind me never to wear high heels when I come to Patrick's house.

He takes me up the stairs and into his room where it falls silent again while he takes his computer and unpacks his things.

I hear a my phone ping signalling I've got a message. I grab it and see who it is.

KATHey, not seen you in a while. Is there anymore parties coming up?? xx

I smile and rack my memories.

ME: Don't thinkg so but I'll ask around and I'll ask Jake. C if he's got anything coming up. He always get's invited to some xx

KAT: Okay, talk to you soon T xx

"Who's that?" I hear as I look up to see Patrick with his shirt off in the doorway of the bathroom. I can't keep my eyes off of his toned chest and a memory flashes into my mind.

My hands trickle up and down his toned chest, his hands in my hair then move to my breasts. His soft lips touching mine.....

I realise I'm still staring and I'm suddenly conscious whether I'm dribbling or not. I quickly put my hand up to my mouth and pat it, thankfully there's no drool there; thank god.

He notices I'm staring and smiles. He gives me a small cheeky smile that I've only ever seen when he's drunk. I saw it the night we got locked into the room.

I slept with the Bad Boy's Girl COMPLETED (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now