Chapter 18

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WARNING: Violent, bad language and upsetting nature will be a part of this chapter. If you are younger than 13, easily upset by violence or are the faint hearted type please skip this chapter if you decide to proceed, you do so at your own risk and if you do get to end I hope you enjoy this chapter and the rest of the book and thankyou for reading my book.

Patrick's P.O.V

I reach Mark's house in quite a fast time to normal. In fact Mark's face when he open's the door is priceless.

"W...what did you do beg your mum until she let you have this?" he asks stepping outside the house. He walks towards the car. I see his hand reaching for the car door and I lock the car. He turns looking upset towards me and I wave the keys at him.

"Sorry man but it's not mine it's Taylor's car. She doesn't want anyone else touching it. She only let me drive it to get myself home" I tell him.

"Whoa when did you get comfortable with Taylor. The hottest girl in school" I roll my eyes as I follow him back inside. He walks up the stairs as I explain what's been happening but I stop when I get to the part about her bruises.

"So you slept with the badest boy in school's girlfriend" I nod. "Well maybe I should start taking dating advice from you then and you say you've slept with her twice" I nod again as he looks at me like a councillor would when their trying to get to the bottom of a hard case as I sit in front of him in an old chair that I used t sit in every time I came to Mark's house.  

"Yes twice" I clarify.

"Was she good" I roll my eyes of course he'd want to know but I smile like a child anyway.

"Sooo good. She took control at one point and I've godda admit I like a dominant woman" he chuckles with a huge grin like a master at work.

"So what's the problem man?" my head shoots up. I never said anything was worrying me so how does he know.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm your best friend, you think I don't know when your lieing" I go to deny everything but I shake my head in defeat.

"I think Jake has been abusing her" I spit it out.

He doesn't look at all astonished. "I don't think so Patrick. He may be a jerk but I don't think he could do something like.....that. I mean c'mon have you ever seen him hit any other girl or have you ever heard of him hitting someone. He doesn't have a record of violence and yes I checked his file out. The only thing he has on their is for breaking and entering and it was a minor charge, a couple of bust ups with some lads that was resolved quickly and using bad language in a public place to a police officer"

I shrug my shoulders. "She told me her step fathers name" He raises his eyebrows.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Has she ever acted cold or withdrawn when talking about him or her family?" I think for a moment then remember when she said the name 'John' it was bitter the way she said it.


He leans forward which makes me lean forward naturally. "What's her step fathers name".

"John" he turns to his computer and put's his name into a police database. Yes I know it may be illegal but he is good with hacking and the police have no idea he has hacked into their system as he has put something in the way to disguise his computer as being a police computer which allows all access to the databases.

He presses enter.

"Oh my god" my mouth drops.

"Where's Taylor now?" he turns and looks at me with slight concern in his eyes.

I slept with the Bad Boy's Girl COMPLETED (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now