Chapter 28

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Taylor's P.O.V

"What are you doing here?" I ask Patrick as I turn to face him.

"I came to find you" He tells me stepping closer to me but I take a step back and he seems to notice because he doesn't move any further.

"But why? The last time you saw me you shouted at me and stormed off" I tell him wincing at the angry face that stared at me once before.

"That was mean and cruel of me. I was mad because you can't see that I'm in love with you. There I said it Taylor are you happy. I've watched for years as you chased that douche bag around and for what so he could break your heart and get away with it. He cheated on you Taylor, I saw her come out of his room at the party where me and know and then I saw them kissing behind the doors of the school in the car park. She caught me looking when she walked to her car but she didn't say anything. I didn't recognise her at first until I had a flash back from that night. Taylor he cheated on you" I stand back astonished. I thought he was passed the jealousy of Jake.

"I didn't know you liked me but that is wrong to accuse Jake of cheating on me, I know he has done some bad things but he isn't that low. He loves me and if you think he would cheat on me then you obviously don't love me. I don't even know why I came here in the first place and I don't except your apology" He looks taken aback that I didn't believe him.

"You know what Taylor, all I've done for you is help you. Who sat with you when he broke your heart and then stomped on it. It was me not him, me. Who did you enjoy having sex with me or him because I'm pretty sure it was me, because when I love even in bed I give my all and I made love to you on both nights even when I wasn't drunk like you were mine and you didn't care. You came here because you love me deep inside you love me too but you're still holding onto the small hope you have for Jake because you don't want to lose your reputation with being 'cool' but let me tell you this I won't say I told you so when you see who he really is and when you come around I might not be waiting" He stands there taking in deep breathes, his face is red as some sweat cascades down his face.

I look up to the sky as a loud sound of thunder crashes through it. I look back down to Patrick and we stare bewildered. I do love him but I need to find Jake. "I do love you Patrick but I need to see it for myself and I don't believe he would. I need to talk to him" He shakes his head but seems to understand.

"Ok but just know it was Mark who set us up. He told you to come here so he could tell me to come here as well. He obviously believes in us. It's a shame you don't" I hear him say as the sound of leaves crunching follow. I watch him walk away as I hear another loud crash of thunder.

I hurry across the street to the otherside away from the street. I grab my phone and try calling him but it rings and rings and I don't want to leave a voice mail. He won't be at home so where will he be? I remember something Patrick has just said and it haunts me. 'I saw them kissing behing the doors in the school car park'.

I decide to walk to the school rather than drive since my car is at Jenna's house as I had Kat drive it over for it, and she didn't complain since she got to drive a Porsche around for a while.

I run half way taking time to walk a little to keep my breathing at bay until I reach the school. The car park gates are open which is not unusual at this time since teachers tend to like coming in to finish work and make more homework for us to do when we get back. I walk around the back and walk along the road so I can look around the building and see if he's there. But before I can get around the whole building, I notice his car parked in the parking lot and it looks a little occupied. I can see people in the back and I don't have a good feeling about this.

I walk slowly towards his car and I can see the people slightly  clearer and that there making a lot of movement inside the car. I get closer and bravery suddenly fills me as I look through the window of the car and suddenly I find myself yanking open the car door and Jake and HER jolt upright.

"You fucking cheat!" Venom laces through my voice as I portray it at him. The girl looks at me and she doesn't seem guilty. "How could you, you little piece of shit" I shout at him as he grabs his clothes trying to get them on, I let out a laugh at him thumbling "Don't bother with getting dressed I've seen you naked millions of times remember, especially when you gave me the best night of my life and how you told me how hot I was when I danced for you. Oh and you" I say pointing at the girl who's name doesnt need to be said since she's not important enough right now to have a name "You must feel oh so special since he can't take you home to a good bed and so he has to fuck you in a car, just wait till you tell your friends. What a great story, I got fucked by the 100th guy this week in the back of a car because I can't commit to going and meeting their parents, I just want a quick fuck. I hope you enjoy your life with this piece of shit and Jake have a nice life after every single girl learns what a douche bag you are. Goodbye" I slam the door shut causing them both to jump but none of them move. As I walk away I feel the tears threatening to overflow but in a different way I feel happy. I feel free and this time I definitely need to apologise to Patrick.....


Sorry it's late but I forgot it was Friday and then I was out all day Saturday and so I thought I owed it to you to write it on a Sunday rather than wait till the next Friday that came and the story is getting interesting and it makes me happy to write it.

Thank you for all the votes and comments on this story and the votes, reads and comments on my other story "The rich boy's girl". If you haven't read that story then feel free to read it. Sorry for the short chapter today but I wanted to save a lot of the story for what I have coming up for the next few chapters so don't stop reading there's more to come.

Thank you all of you. I appreciate the reads and I love each and everyone of you.

Brandan (A.K.A Louise) xxx

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