Chapter 26

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Taylor's P.O.V

"This is your room" Mrs Orange-peel tells me as we enter a small single bedroom. It's small but it's big enough. I give her a small smile feeling slightly weird about staying with my English teacher. "Listen i know it's a little weird but you'll get used to it and I don't suppose you want to go back...." She trails off since she must have seen my face change.

I smile back "thanks, it's just a little soon. You know cause of everything and I miss Patrick" she nods and smiles her warm smile.

"My names Jenna by the way and my last name is in fact Matthews. I just wanted to keep my names away from everyone but since we're going to be in each others company for a while I may as well tell you about me" I look up from where I was looking at my feet and she nods telling me that it's true.

"Wow" is all I can master.

"Tell me about you" she says as she sits down on my newly made bed.

"You already know about me" I say confused but she gives me a look farrowing her eyebrows.

"I mean about how long your mum had been going out with that...idiot..i guess and the whole story of that...if your ready and if your up for more talking how you and Patrick came to be".

I think for a moment. Am I ready? She's my English teacher, can I trust her? But she's looking after me and she could help with all my bottled up feelings.

"She met 'him' in the bar she goes too regularly" she nods waiting for me to go on, clearly understanding where im taking this. "She was drawn to him for God knows what reason but they found each other i guess and they met a few more times until she invited him round one night. I was 12 at the time and I was naive. I didn't understand the concept of sex or how it worked so I didn't understand he was there for sex. Then she suddenly told me just after I turned 13 that he was moving in with us and he was going to be my new daddy; of course I never called him daddy..." She sits nodding at every word, every single word drawing her in closer. I know she's living off of this story and she's probably intrigued since its never happens to her or she's just being nosy but I can't stop myself. " Anyway he moved in and it wasn't until she stared working late since he didn't have a job and relied totally on my mums wages to buy more alcohol and so she worked 2 jobs. I was alone with him one day since he had become my primary carer since my mum couldn't be and he put his arms around me as if cuddling me but he moved his hands downwards and I didn't understand why or what he was doing" the sheer look of sadness that mays upon her face is sickening but she nods telling me to carry on and so I do. I tell her about the repeated groping that became more and more frequent right up until he raped me for the first time one night when he'd just had sex with my mum. "It wasn't great and I was only 13 at the time nearly 14. I never told anyone about it but my mum found out after the 6th time or more but she didn't stop it since she knew if she crossed him he'd punish her, so he learned that no one would stop him if he did anything to me and so he did it very frequently: he'd be waiting for me when I got home from school, when I go up to go to the bathroom, when he was done with my mum. She'd listen to my screams of pain and fear but she chose to block it out. I learned she wore earplugs which she would put them on when he left to go to me. She learned the schedule." I look up from the patch of stained floor I chose to fix my eyes on for the duration of this conversation and see tears cascading down her face.

She sees I'm finished and looks into my eyes. She holds her arms out as I realise I'm crying as well. "My poor child" she says as she cuddles me tight. I cry harder. "If I could erase every bad thing you've had to deal with and launch you into a better life I would right now" she sobs into my ear as I sob the tears that have long been held back in the cage that locks my heart behind thick walls never to be broken down.

We stay cuddled together in a peaceful harmony until our tears become lines of moisture on our faces and the atmosphere turns silent once again.

"Would you like to know about me and Patrick now?" I ask as I slowly back out of her warm embrace. She looks down at me and shows a small smile while shaking her head.

" I think that's enough for one day. You get some sleep you need your rest. Come on put on your pyjamas and I'll be back in a moment" I nod and slowly find my pyjamas in the bag of clothes I have as she leaves the room giving me privacy.

I climb into bed as she arrives with a bowl of warm water, a glass of water, pills and a cloth. She does the cloth into the bowl of water and holds it to my face. I close my eyes as she wipes it across my face and around my neck. Gently wiping over my bruises healing them with her gentle touch. Once she's happy and I am deeply feeling relaxed she hands me the pills and the glass of water. "Take those pills their your pain pills and a sleeping pill to help you get your rest once you swallow each one finish the water" I nod taking each pill one by one and then finishing the water.

She takes the glass from me and picks the bowl and cloth up from the side of my bed. "Night, sweet dreams Taylor".

"Night Jenna" she smiles then closes the door. My head rests against the pillow as I lie down and those pills work instantly as my eyes begin to droop and my dreams take over.

I thought I'd write something since you've been patient and I fancied to write. I also wanted to check up on Taylor and Patrick and see how their lives are getting on. In this chapter you saw Taylor's rough start with Mrs Orange-peel or Jenna as Taylor found out. Read on to find out what happened next in the next chapter in Friday.

Thanks for reading and getting this book to the number of reads it has gotten.

Love you all

Brandan (A.K.A Louise) xxx

P.S totally forgot I didn't publish chapter 23 I'm so sorry no wonder why the story didn't flow there. Good job I checked. Lol.

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