Chapter 8

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"Sometime we lie to protect the ones we love from the real truth and from the real pain" - Just something I thought of. Couldn't find a quote for it but if you can find one then feel free to post it in the comments.

Patrick's P.O.V

We finished her piece and then I told her we'd meet in two days to put it together as I couldn't see her tomorrow night as I had to go to my uncles wedding. We talked about how my family was and how my sister was at college and my cousins we're either married, at college or still in high school. We didn't talk about that night and I don't think I wanted to bring up the whole boyfriend thing because I still had a wet shirt when she left.

I'd ask her questions about her family, like how's her mum and what about her dad and she'd give brief answers like "fine" and "oh there okay" or "she's okay, she's doing great". I thought that it was a bit strange that she didn't want to  talk  about her family life or anything about her family but I didn't want to push it because again: my shirt.

She just left after I said goodbye to her and I feel a little lonely when she left but it soon passed when my mum walked through the door and her face changed from happy to angry in a second.

"Has that dreadful girl been in here again. I can smell her a mile off" my mum says when she opens the door.

"Ye. Mum I told you that we have to work together on a project. Remember?" I tell her and she rolls her eyes carrying her work bag and the groceries to the kitchen table.

"Well then why can't you go to her house. I mean her house is obviously bigger and fancier than ours so if our home isn't good enough for her then she can drive that fancy sports car all the way back home. No one wants her hear" I turn around sharply at the sound of that and look at her straight in the  eyes.

"You don't mean that mum. This used to be her home town as well and she loved it here with me and Mark" I try and defend her and I don't know why.

"Oh Patrick get over yourself she never liked you or Mark. Just admit it she used you two to get popular then dropped you at the chance she got and this was never her home town she showed off and HER WHOLE FAMILY WE'RE POSH TWATS" she shouts at the end and I've had enough of her insulting Taylor.

"Ye well maybe we should all move away. To get away from you because you can't let a grudge go can you. You go on and on and on and now I'm fed up with you so would you shut up and just be a normal mum who doesn't interfere with their childs rows with other children. It was years ago for fuck sake mum" I finish my rant and she looks at me with her  mouth open but not for long as she realises what shes doing and snaps it shut.

I storm off to my room taking my drink and the food that I got before having my rant and march away hearing my mum scream after me to come back and that she'd wash my mouth out with soap if I swore again.

Over the next day I didn't see her as she wasn't in but I just thought it was an illness. So I went to my uncles wedding on the Friday and sorted the presentation out for tomorrow when she comes over to put it together.

At around 5pm I get a phone call from Mark.

"Hey, What's up?" I ask

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I ask confused.

"Dude you've been spending a lot of time with Taylor lately and I know she's your partner but she hasn't turned you into a wanna be popular has she? She better not have rubbed off on you I don't need that girl around me or you and the sooner she get's out of our lives the better. So once you've put the presentation together then get her out and away" I roll my eyes at his comment about her getting out of our lives. I've heard that with my mum but it really hurt him when she left so he's allowed a little rant.

"I know and she's coming round tomorrow to finish the presentation with me then she can do what ever she wants and no she hasn't rubbed off on me. I'm the same old Patrick"

"Good, as long as you know what's good for you man. Anyway godda go and get myself a sexy girl. See you later"

"Stop harassing girls Mark"

"I don't harass them! They can't resist me"

"Oh give over yourself"

"Ok trust me!"

I roll my eyes and look at the clock 6:30pm "Ok whatever. Enjoy!" He clicks the phone off and I hear the familiar hang up tone. I put my phone down and go back to reading my article that I wrote over a year ago and correct the bad spelling. I know I'm a nerd.

My phone buzzes. It's Taylor.

Taylor: Hey, Erm are we meeting at yours tomorrow?

Me: Sure but maybe we should do it at yours, you know to save you driving all the way down here. I'll come to you.

Taylor: Oh no. Your okay.....

Me: Are you sure? I insist!!

Taylor: No I insist I come to yours that's final.  You can't come to mine right now..

Me: Why?

Taylor: Because I said so.....Okay now I'll see you tomorrow. Bye....

Me: Well....Okay if you insist. See you tomorrow.

She doesn't reply after  that and reasons why she might not like me to come to her house but none seem to fit. Some don't seem like her and others just see stupid or there's no way.

I couldn't place my finger on it.

Although one of them became true........

I slept with the Bad Boy's Girl COMPLETED (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now