Chapter 14

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Taylor's P.O.V

Shit he saw my bruise and asked questions about it. Shit, shit, shit. I should be more careful with covering them up. If he's spotted one then god knows how many he could spot.

Patrick pulls up into the carpark of the primary school and he shuts the engine off. I climb out after him as his long strides make speed up to keep up with him. He walks around and then into a gate which opens out into a small playground. Over to the right is a bigger play ground which I presume must be for the older children. This school used to be ours but it's changed a lot since then. We didn't have two playgrounds. Everyone played on the same one and you had to mix with the big kids.

He stops in front of a classroom door that opens outwards and then leans on a set of metal bars that are placed along a small walk way for wheelchairs leading down onto the playground. I sit down next to him and look out over the houses in the distance which are lined up in neat rows. It's been ages since I came here and I seemed to forget what everything looked like. The streets are lined with cars of parents parking in the street to save them having to find spaces in the packed school car park.

It' silent between us but its not a familiar silence. It's one of peace rather than tension or content. It's a rare silence that feels so weird.

I can hear the muffled sound of laughter and chatter of children behind the door. Children barely into life, without a care in the world. It takes me back to a memory of me and my dad. He's swinging me around by my hands; laughing and giggling to myself. This is one of the few good memories I have and it's one of the few memories I have of dad and me together; happy.

The door suddenly makes a screeching noise and it opens. Children of similar ages pour out as the teacher checks they have everything.

A small brown haired girl runs towards Patrick and he bends down to pick her up in his arms. She giggles as any small child would as he turns her to face me.

She catches my eyes and looks straight at me like she's trying to see into my soul. If I had one. I don't think it's their anymore, if I got the choice i'd rather not be inside of me with my familt history. The thought makes me shiver. She still keeps her focus on me as if she's trying to figure out whether or not I'm a bad witch or a good witch.

"Hi I'm Taylor" I say to her and give her a big smile. She instantly smiles back and puts her arms out to me. I'm astonished that she'd warm up to me. I look at him and he nods his head for me to take her as he grabs the rest of her stuff from the floor where she put it. I take her and she's really light. She wraps her arms around my neck and put's her head on my shoulder, nuzzling her face into my neck. I lift my eyebrows up at Patrick who chuckles and walks ahead.

It's hard at first to walk with a childr around your neck but I get the hang of it.

We reach his car and she let's go so he can buckle her into her carseat; which I never knew was their until now. I climb into the front seat and wait until Patrick appears at the drivers side and hops in. I loom through the reaview mirror as Patrick sets off to his house and she sit's quietly playing with a small doll that's in her hands. Mumbling words to herself. I take her in. She looks nothing like Patrick or his mum, even his dad looks nothing like her and she doesn't fit into the family as she's quiet whereas Patick and his mum and dad are a bubbly bunch . Well used to be, it seems to be only Patrick who's kept the family trate of being bubbly.

We reach the house and he steps out as I wait in the car watching him walk to the door and take her inside. I still didn't learn her name.

He appears back in the front seat in less then a few minutes and I look back to the front door to see her waving at us and she catches my eyes. She keeps waving until a women who's groomed and well suited walks to the door and grabs her hand. It's Patrick's mum. Her hair is still blonde and she looks similar to when I last saw her but with more wrinkles and much older. She looks like she in her late 30's to early 40's though so she's down well for herself.

She looks up and she instantly catches my eye. Our eyes stay locked and I instantly feel a buzz of electricity but it's negative pass through me. She cot sntinues to watch me with our eyes locked until she seems to snap out of it and pull the little girl inside and the door shuts.

"So where to now?" I hear Patrick ask beside me as he smiles at me bringing the car back to life.

"Erm not sure. What's your sister called?" I ask turning to look back at the door.

"Abbigail and she likes you and we could go to yours if you'd like and you can get ready for the party" He tells me and my eyes widen at the thought of him walking into anything.

"Oh that's ok you can drop me off and I'll meet you at the party" I feel a lump rise in my throat. 

"No I insist. I haven't seen your mum in years and your dad so I want to meet them again get to have a good catch up. Your mum used to love me remember" 'How can I forget' I think to myself as I look out the window as we're still parked in front of Patrick's house.

"Er ye I do remember but my mum doesn't want to be bothered. Maybe we can-" I get cut off as Patrick grabs my face with both his hands and yanks it round to face him.

"Listen. All I want to do is see how you live now. I've shown you my house and I want to see how you've gone on. you may have gotten popular but that doesn't make me care about you any less. Unless you have something to hide" he raises an eyebrow puffing out heavy breaths after his rant.

He let's go of my face and rolls away from the house. I'm so stunned that I can't talk or protest back.  He sets off to mine and I don't have a reason to stop him. Oh crap! I'm in it now.

Patrick's P.O.V

I walk to the door and it opens to my mum looking pissed off. Abbigail looks up at me. My mum peers behind me to where Taylor's waiting in the car and she gives both a disgusted look and a disappointed look.

"What's she doing here?" she asks s Abbigail runs inside.

"Mum she's only a friend nothing more" she rolls her eyes.

"She can hurt you. Don't start falling for her again, you know what happened last time" she warns me and its my turn to roll my eyes.

"Mum I said she's just a friend it's fine. Now I'm going"

She shakes her head "It'll all end in tears".

Her words stay with me as I get back into the car........

I slept with the Bad Boy's Girl COMPLETED (Unedited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora