The Dare

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             "I dare you and Dylan to kiss in your scene tomorrow," Kaya giggled.

Everyone rose into fits of laughter, including Dylan. His flawless face exploded into action, just as it did every time he laughed that infectious, kind, genuine laugh. Of course. Dylan didn't care that he was going to kiss me tomorrow. It was a dare for him, nothing more, nothing less. And to Dylan, I was just his mate. Little did he know that to me, he was more than a mate. A lot more. Tomorrow was going to be awkward. Tomorrow was going to be embarrassing. Tomorrow was going to be the hardest day of my life.

                     If only Dylan felt the same way about me. If only I was out the closet. If only...

"Thomas?! Is that OK?!" Kaya shouted into my ear, sending everyone into even more hysterics.

I realised I hadn't chuckled even the tiniest bit. Not so much as a smile had been formed on my face. What if people had guessed? I'd been staring at Dylan as well. Oh God. "Um, yeah," I managed to push out, but not without an awfully cringe worthy voice crack. Instinctively, I clamped my right hand over my mouth.

"You're not scared are you?" Dylan asked kindly but with a hint of taunt, "It's not like we're gay, it's a dare."

If only I thought. "Yeah, I know," I racked my brain for an excuse, "It's just, um, I've never kissed anyone before." It was going to be my first kiss, but that wasn't why I was nervous.

Everyone's laughter reignited and no one actually replied to me until Dylan had controlled his breathing enough to give me some sympathy, "Hey, don't worry, you're in good hands, I tell you now I am an AMAZING kisser!" Dylan's talent at being simultaneously sympathetic and funny never failed to keep everyone smiling. He loved to see people happy and he was so talented at doing it. There were so many things to love about Dylan O'Brien. He's the only person in the entire universe that's perfect.

               I felt truly at ease around Dylan, but longed for more than his charm as a friend. Probably the worst part of being gay, is that you only have any kind of chance with 1 in 10 of your crushes, and for the past two years, I'd only had eyes for my best friend. Despite the unusualness of the situation, I didn't find liking my best friend weird. Probably because from the second I set eyes on the boy at the auditions for The Maze Runner movie, I'd been in love. I remembered every detail of our first interactions. How Dylan couldn't find the bathroom and had literally bumped into me whilst running down the corridor. Typical Dylan. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry," he panted, "I've been running all over to try and find the bathroom!" at this point he put his hand onto my shoulder, "You don't know where they are do you? Oh, the name's Dylan,"

"Yeah, carry on down the corridor and they're the next left," I replied, fixated by his perfection up close. It was the first time I had ever felt the feeling that was currently inside me. Warm, comforting and beautiful. I would have happily paused the moment and lived in it forever, Dylan's perfect features twenty centimetres from my face, veiny right hand pressed into my shoulder, the pressure translated into warmth that radiated through my whole body. 

                 "Oh my Christ!"

I jumped back into reality as Dylan's strong, husky voice entered my ear canals, "Where is your brain taking you tonight? You've gone from the most nervous person I've ever set eyes on, to what appears to be the happiest in less than a minute! Where's that brain of yours taking you, eh?" he gently tapped the side of my skull with his right index finger. It was almost as if he was flirting.. No. My one true love is straight and I am gay, I reminded myself sadly.

"Sorry, I was day dreaming," I began.

"Yeah those among us with eyes could see that," He joked.

"And I'm really tired, I'm gonna go to bed, night everyone."

I pushed myself up from the floor and walked down the corridor, unable to knock my best friends perfection from my mind.

                Stripping out of my over sized t-shirt and skin tight jeans and into boxers, I slumped into bed and pulled the crisp duvet over my head. No one was going to see my tears tonight. I could never prise Dylan from my mind and no one in the entire world knew who I truly was. I didn't know how much longer I could hide everyone from the truth and stay sane at the same time. But if Dylan ever found the truth, surely our friendship would be damaged forever. There was no way I could live without Dylan and there was no way I could carry on hiding myself. It was a deadly loop that there was no solution to. Thinking of this only made me more hysterical, so I pulled the duvet even further over my head and buried my face deeper into my pillow in a lame attempt to silence my tears and muffle the sporadic breathing.

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