An Unwelcome Surprise

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"We really have to go now," Dylan said to me whilst yanking on some jeans.

"OK," I heaved out of bed and got dressed.

"Why can't you just be a girl and we both be straight?" Dylan questioned.

"You tell me."

We ambled into the kitchen and picked at some food.

The rest of the day was spent crammed into the miniature living room watching films we had starred in. Dylan and I lay on the sofa and managed to pass off lying next to each other. Watching Narnia, everyone made fun of Will's accent. When we put love actually on and I had to shut my eyes and plug my ears multiple times while everyone else was 'awwing' and 'ahhing' because it was so cringey. "You've always been adorable," Dylan muttered under his breath so only I could hear.

I blushed an incredible amount in those 136 minutes. Everyone eventually fell asleep in the lounge, except me and Dylan. "Come on, sexy," he whispered into my ear, "Wanna have some fun?" He pulled me off the sofa and winked at me, his deep brown eyes reminding me why I chose to carry on breathing everyday.

We carefully stepped through the sleeping bodies, dangerously close to treading on various stray limbs. Once in the clear, Dylan grabbed my wrist and swept me off my feet, holding me like a baby and kissing my forehead. "Hey!" I scowled, "You're not supposed to be able to do that!"

I was embarrassed that Dylan could pick me up so easily. It made me feel weak. I attempted to push away using my palms on his shoulder and chest, but to no avail. He carried me to my bedroom and dropped me onto my feet, pushing me against the wall. "I hate you," I smiled, grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer.

"Love and hate are the same thing," he replied, his tongue already embedded into my mouth.

"In this particular situation, I believe you are correct," I said, biting his neck a little too hard.

Dylan dropped his hands to my hips and relaxed, moaning quietly. I wrapped my hands around his neck and put all my effort into doing well. I was less experienced than Dylan and wanted to impress him. He then proceeded to undress me before I'd even had a chance to rid him of his top. As soon as he gave me a chance, I grabbed his top and pulled it over his head, quickly followed with his pants and boxers. He pushed me onto the bed so I was underneath him, "Are you ready?" he asked.

And that was the moment the door flung open.


Sorry for the short and awful chapter. I decided to start doing notes at the bottom because why not. Thanks for 300 views and to everyone who voted/commented/followed and stuff!

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