The Fight

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Dylan's eyes flickered a minuscule glance to me, telling me to get away, but there was no way I could leave knowing every second he was with Aml was torturous for him. Before Aml noticed me, I was running towards him. I had no idea what my legs were doing or what was going to happen next, but there was no going back now. I lunged my entire body at an unprepared Aml. He fell to the side, narrowly missing Dylan. An almighty groan escaped his mouth as his body thudded into the solid oak floorboards. "Thomas!" Dylan yelped, his voice cracking in distress.

"And right on cue the madman himself thunders in and proves that gays are the work of Satan," Aml narrated sarcastically, an evil smile forming on his flushed face.

"Have you ever heard of the word 'retaliation'?" I questioned, straddling my legs over Aml's body to prevent him from moving.

"Tommy, please, shut up," Dylan pleaded.

I wanted to obey Dylan, do what I wanted but my anger was swelling up inside me. I had the most repulsive person I had ever set eyes on in my clutches. I wasn't letting go now, "No."

"Get. Off.." Aml began.

But it was too late. I had already made up my mind. I knew it was evil, I knew it wouldn't help our cause and I knew that Dylan was right but it would at least momentarily give me intense pleasure to witness pain in the eyes of the man that had provoked the pain I knew Dylan was sure to feel soon. I raised my fist into the air, clenching it so tightly that my knuckles went white  and the adrenaline flowing through my veins caused my fist to shake. "Tommy! Don't.." Dylan squealed, lunging towards me. I couldn't listen to his pleads. I knew that I'd give in to them. None of it made sense. I wasn't helping Dylan with these actions. Before I gave myself another second to dwell, a surge of rage ran through me and my fist impaled Aml's nose. Everything happened in slow motion. Just as I witnessed his cry of pain, a body barged into mine, the force causing me to loose balance and fall, using my hand on Aml's face as to stop me falling off him. An almighty animal noise erupted from beneath me. Dylan clutched my waist attempting to drag me off him, but my anger translated into the strength that kept me still, "Thomas listen to me!" Dylan cried, tears escaping his eyes.

"You'll thank me later," I replied, internally breaking down seeing my baby so upset. I righted myself and brought another blow to Aml's cheek, his shriek resonating through the flat. Shit. Hearing rushed footsteps along the corridor, I waited for as long as I dared, then flew off him just before the door swung open.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Ki Hong shouted like a father disciplining his children.  

"He was trying to fucking kill me!" Aml replied, clutching his face.

"Because he put Dylan in danger!" I added, hugging my boyfriends neck and pecking him on the forehead.

"Stop acting like a bunch of five year olds!" Ki Hong scolded.

"I don't think a five year old would be homophobic. A five year old would accept that love is love and everyone should be able to express it because they haven't yet been brain washed by societies ridiculous beliefs," I said.

"I'm not against gays," Ki Hong answered calmly.

"But he is!" I shouted, thrusting a finger in Aml's direction, " And he endangered my Dylan! Because he loved me! Anyone in their right mind would see that as wrong!"

"Calm down Thomas!" Ki Hong said.

"No! I'm not going to calm down and let everyone walk all over me and my boyfriend because he is the most precious thing in my life and nothing will ever stop me loving or protecting him! I hate the human race! I just want to love him without anyone putting him in danger!" I couldn't take it. I wanted to kill every human on earth except Dylan so we could simply be happy. How was that much to ask? I grabbed Dylan's hand and heaved up, bringing him with me. I rushed out the door an into my room, collapsing onto the sofa where Dylan piled on top of me. No words were exchanged as we lay cuddling, only telepathic sorrow.


Hi Guys! Thanks for 500 reads! I'm now gonna do QOTC (question of the chapter) so the first one is:

Q: Who is your favourite YouTuber?

A: Dan and Phil (counting them as one because yeah) and I've been watching them way too much the last 2 days (by that I mean 70% of my waking life) but they are so relatable and Phil is so sweet and Dan is similar to me in so many ways I just love them!

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