The Conversation

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"What's the time?" I asked Dylan.

"Like eleven AM."

I knew we should get up - we'd been in Dylan's room for over half an hour and it was suspicious, but I wanted nothing more in the world than to stay in bed cuddling him. I pressed my palm into his chest as he tried to swing away from me. "Stay, please?"

"Fine," he replied.

I felt his body relax under my arm which consequently erased my tension. I had so much I wanted to ask him, but no where to begin. He'd been my best friend for two years so I knew everything basic about him. Well at least I'd thought I did. If he'd managed to cover up his sexuality so well then he could be hiding almost anything. But there was one question I was desperate to ask him more than any other, "Are you a virgin?"

"Considering we just had sex, no, Thomas I am not."

"You know what I mean," I replied, slightly irritated by his constant sarcasm.

"Well it depends what you mean by that. I've had sex with girls before, but you're the first guy," he answered.

His response felt like a fist inside my stomach. "What, so you're not gay?" I questioned, my distress clearly displayed in my words.

"I'm gay," he replied, kissing me on the forehead, "But how else could I prove to my parents that I was straight?"

The kiss radiated through my body, allowing me to relax. It was only then that I realised how rigid I had been. "Are you OK, babe?" Dylan asked, wrapping himself closer to me.

"Yeah, only the luckiest man on earth to have you in my arms," I whispered into his ear.

"What did we just do?" Dylan asked me, his goofy smile spreading across his face.

"We just had sex," I replied, feeling my lips shape into a curve.

"No." The smile faded from his expression in an instant and his tone lost all sense of happiness, "Thomas we did not have sex. No one can know that we did this and if anyone, and I mean anyone asks, we have done nothing more than be friends. We can only keep this relationship if the only people in the world that know about it are me and you, okay?" The urgency in Dylan's voice was turning into pain and that was one thing I couldn't handle. The mere prospect of Dylan being in pain because of my actions was enough for me to swear on my life that I would never let a soul find out.

"Okay," I replied, implanting my tongue into his mouth.

Slowly, Dylan's happiness began to reappear. "So, tell me everything," he said. I had no idea what he meant. I looked at him in confusion. "Starting with how you knew you were gay."

"Oh," I began, "I think it was in year eight, the equivalent of seventh grade. Everyone was getting into relationships with girls and I had a crush on a boy called Caleb. Turned out he was an idiot because, well, I wasn't popular and he was, so he ended up spreading rumours that I was gay, which of course I was. But I didn't admit it and even so people would tease me for it and call me stuff and so I became petrified of anyone ever finding out the truth. I guess my fear became so rooted into me that I wouldn't even admit it to myself. I've known it ever since I can remember but you are the only soul I've ever told. And in answer to the question I can see forming on your lips, yes, I've been living with my secret slowly eating me from the inside out."

Dylan shuffled in closer and squeezed me into a hug so tight that we physically couldn't be any closer together, "I know exactly what you've been through."

"I think the turning point was the day I met you. I knew instantly that you were the one as I set eyes on you in that corridor. It was unbelievable how you made me feel in those first thirty seconds. I've loved you from day one, Dylan."

"I've loved you from day one as well," Dylan said, gazing into my eyes.

"Then why has it taken us so long to tell each other?" I asked.

"In the words of Newt, 'It doesn't matter. Any of it. What does matter is who we are now and what we do right now.'"

"Newt's right," I smiled, leaning in to kiss him one more time.

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