The Kiss

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The rest of the day was a blur. On set, Wes gave directions, cameras shot from all angles, everyone was in action. At Wes's request, I switched on my acting and brought Newt to life. That's probably why I fell in love with acting. I could be someone else. Someone without secrets that cut them off from the rest of the world. Secrets that prevented them from being truly happy. Of course, Newt has his own problems. But the key point in this film is that everyone comes together, forms bonds and works as a team. Something I myself have never truly been able to do. Mine and Dylan's scene was coming ever closer. My beating heart slowly rose up into my throat. The moon silently replaced the sun. "Right time for your special scene boys!" Wes looked at us in turn as he spoke our names, "Thomas, Dylan, this scene is going to be brilliant!  Everyone in positions please!"

I felt the throbbing of my heart in my mouth, I couldn't breathe. Everyone was giving Dylan and I glances small enough to escape the notice of the crew but large enough to send my nerves rocketing even higher. Everyone would be watching. Of course, I already knew this, but the eye contact and cameras being pointed my way made everything more real. Walking towards the log where the scene would be shot, I could feel every drop of boiling blood shooting through my veins. My whole body was quivering like a leaf in the wind. It was unbearable. I'd wanted to kiss Dylan since the second I set eyes on him in that corridor. But not like this. Not with what seemed like a thousand cameras trained on our faces. Not with everyone watching. Desperately trying not to think about what was sure to unfold in the next hour, I half sat, half fell into my position in front of the log and next to Dylan. Whatever was about to unfold, I felt certain that I'd remember it for the rest of my life.


I shot the lines off my tongue. I didn't struggle - acting was the most natural thing to me. But I didn't feel like Newt. From the moment I first read the script, I knew I had to play him. But today it felt like my body was Newt and my brain was still me. "Come on, Thomas! We need more emotion. This is a very important scene!"

                 What felt like a month and realistically was probably half an hour passed. Dylan shot me the tiniest glance that I was certain, even with all these eyes trained on us, no one except me noticed. The message was clear. We were going to kiss in approximately thirty seconds. Members of the crew were directing us and giving me advice on my clearly worse than normal acting skills. "Action!" Wes shouted.

Oh god. This was it. I kept my eyes trained on Dylan's lips, willing them to come closer but stay away at the same time. He caught my gaze and began to inch towards me. At this moment I somehow forgot the rest of the world. It completely slipped my mind that every single person within viewing distance was staring at us. Not to mention the cameras about a metre from our faces. I mirrored his actions. Our lips were so close. I could feel his steady, warm breaths on my cheek. Kissing Dylan O'Brien had filled my dreams at night and my imagination by day for an entire two years. And now it was happening in reality.

               At the last second, Dylan pulled away and burst out laughing. I however, carried on inching closer to his face, until I realised what had happened. Everyone had seen. I flipped back into acting mode and attempted to force laughter from my throat. The result was some half hearted, fake chuckle. So many emotions flooded my brain. In the last few seconds I truly felt like there was something between me and my best friend. I knew it was false hope, that his acting skills led me to suspect my greatest wish could one day be granted, even though deep down I knew it never would be.

"Come on then," Wes said, his exhaustion finally beginning to show in his voice, "enough of the romance, that'll do for tonight, we have some excellent footage! But what was that about boys? Does someone need to tell me something?"

"It was a dare," Dylan answered, pushing himself up from the log and walking towards Wes.

The director slapped Dylan on the back and began commanding the camera crew to pack up. The cast trailed behind them and began piling into the bus that took us back to our flats. Except me. I was willing myself to move, but too much adrenaline was pumping through my bloodstream for me to be able to move without literally falling to my knees.

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