The Flight

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"It'll be fine," Dylan told me, snuggling into my shoulder.

"It won't be," I replied.

"And how is thinking that going to help either of us? Shut up and enjoy the fact that we can be next to each other for 6 hours without any interruptions."

"And then what? What are your parents going to do?" I couldn't control my fear like Dylan could. Well, I couldn't lie as convincingly as him.

"It doesn't matter! OK?" He wasn't angry at me, only worried and refusing to admitting it.

"I love you," I said, partly to end the conversation, partly because I meant it from the bottom of my heart and I didn't know when I would get to say it again. Or if I was going to be able to say it again. Don't think about it Thomas.

"I love you too," he replied.

The lady sitting next to us turned her head to stare at us very indiscreetly for a second, before rapidly returning to her film. I ran my fingers through Dylan's hair, wanting desperately to kiss him but not brave enough for PDA. He glanced at me, asking for one but I denied, wishing desperately for some guts. We remained silent for most of the flight, watching films and holding each other.

As the announcement that we were descending came, the butterflies and sick feeling in my stomach exploded. Twenty minutes until we had to face Dylan's parents. We had no plan, no defence and no idea what they would do to us. I had to come with Dylan. This situation was my fault and staying with him in between the shooting and my family holiday in America had been planned before the shooting. I felt the contents of my stomach fall out the plane as we came closer and closer to solid ground. It was torture. Mine and Dylan's hands were interlocked and I had my head on his chest. I felt his heart beat faster with every passing second, breaking mine.

The plane juddered onto the Tarmac of the runway, making Dylan squeeze my hand in a way that told me he was trying to be brave but was even more terrified than me. He was my everything and I couldn't bare for anything to happen to him. In that second I vowed that I'd do literally anything I could to protect him, no matter what the personal cost. The plane drove into its parking spot and ceased moving. I hated every second. Every second was one step closer to meeting Dylan's parents for the first time after they discovered his sexuality. It was the first time he would meet them after they discovered his sexuality and neither of us had the slightest clue what would happen next.

Slowly, people began piling off the plane into the corridor. They were here. Waiting for us. There was no escape. I reached out for Dylan's hand, desperately wishing he would squeeze it, reassuring me for at least a second. The thought made bile rise in my throat, knowing that I should be reassuring him instead of pleading for reassurance without reason. Did I not even care about him? Was I truly that selfish? How could someone so perfect love someone so self centred, so disgusting? He was the one in danger, not me! We walked in silence to the baggage pick up and grabbed our bags. "Are you ready?" I looked at Dylan, lacing my fingers in between his.

"No," he replied, pecking me on the lips, "And I never will be."

I sensed someone pointing and whispering 'ewww! are they gay?' and for the first time in my entire life, I let it wash straight past me. "Neither am I."

My feet felt like blocks of lead on the end of my legs as we walked towards the meeting point. And then I saw them. Every part of me wanted nothing but to grab Dylan and run in the opposite direction but I knew we had no choice. They held up a white sign,'Dylan and Thomas' scribbled on it in black marker pen. I had no idea how to act or what to say. Dylan and I walked unnaturally far apart from each other even though there was no real logic to it. My heart rate was so fast it felt like my heart would explode from my chest at any second. Breathe. Everything will be OK. Just act normal. Calm down. Panicking is pointless. Useless attempts at reassurance rushed around my mind. Lisa's voice travelled through my ear canals, "How are you Dylan? It's so good to see you! Hello, Thomas," She spoke my name with an obvious dislike for it but seemed genuinely thrilled to see Dylan.

"Hello, boys," Patrick spat.

Dylan embraced Lisa in an extended hug, leaving me hanging next to Patrick in silence. Never in my life had I felt so uncomfortable. As Dylan gave his father a hug, Lisa attempted conversation with me, "So Thomas, how are you?"

"I'm good, thanks. How about you?" It couldn't have been further from the truth.

"Very happy to see Dylan, thank you," She smiled a fake smile at me.

Patrick released Dylan and we began walking out the airport. Nervous, uncomfortable silence hung over us all the way to their car. We loaded our suitcases in and tumbled into the back seats. Lisa sat in the passenger seat and Patrick twisted the car key and pressed down the accelerator, driving us away from the airport. I rested my pale, veiny hands on my thighs. They shook with nerves, adrenaline and who knows what other chemicals and hormones. Now wasn't exactly the most appropriate time to question the science. I glanced at Dylan who was fiddling with his hands, clearly as nervous as me. "So,"Began Patrick, "The only thing we actually care about. I've heard rumours that you two have been doing something you know to be deeply wrong," He turned his head round to face us, regardless to the fact he was driving, "Dylan O'Brien, are you gay?" A spray of spit shot through the air, landing on my cheek.


Hi Guys! Thanks so much for over 800 reads! Wow. My parents know I stay up way too late so they've blocked my laptop and phone from internet after 11pm :'( What they haven't realised is that they can't remove all my books from my room every night so I just read instead. Sorry(not sorry) for the cliff hanger, I will update as soon as I can!

QOTC: What book are you reading at the moment and do you like it?

A: Insurgent and yes I think it's amazing! I really don't see what people mean by The Hunger Games and Divergent are the same - yes they are both in the same genre and have female lead roles but that's about it!

Tomorrow - Dylmas FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя