The Truth

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By the time I was able to stand on my feet without toppling over, everyone except the workers clearing the set were at least one hundred meters away. No one seemed to notice I wasn't there. Nor did they seem to care. As that thought punched me in the stomach, Dylan emerged from the crowd and began walking towards me. I edged closer, perplexed as to why he'd bother leaving me and then return. "Why d.."

"Shut up," Dylan hissed at me as we came close, "Just follow me - we need to talk."

Fuck. That goddam dare! My crap acting skills didn't come anywhere near good enough to hide my feelings, obviously. And now my best friend had figured out I longed to be more than friends, I was going to loose him. I trailed behind him, biting my cheek so hard in an attempt to hold in my tears, I could taste blood on my tongue. We walked in silence to the nearest clump of trees, where Dylan pulled me to face him by grabbing my ragged, beige top. His face softened as he ran his dirty hands through his hair.

"That was a disaster," he spoke quietly and took my right hand in his, "I bet they've all guessed the situation now."

A million thoughts raced through my head, "What? What, situation?" I managed to stammer out. I was utterly perplexed.

"Duhhh! The fact that I'm gay and like you?" he answered.

The entire world stopped. What did he just say? "W-www-hat?"

"You did know I liked you, right?" Dylan replied so casually that you'd have thought he was talking about yesterdays lunch, "I mean, it's kinda obvious! I can barely keep my hands off you!"

I wanted to scream with joy. I wanted to break down crying in pure happiness. Surely, surely those sounds had not just come from Dylan O'Brien's mouth, directed towards me. I had to be in a dream. There was no way on earth, or in fact, any other millimetre of this universe that what had just happened could be true. I was vaguely aware of my knees quivering like branches in a hurricane, however I was so consumed in disbelief that it didn't register until I was lying in the leaves beneath an oak tree and Dylan O'Brien was kissing me. What in the world had just happened to my life? I kissed back as if there was no tomorrow.

Reluctantly, we broke off the kiss, "I love you, Dylan O'Brien."

"I love you too, Thomas Brodie Sangster," and he lay by my side, in the dirt of the forest, looking through the branches up to the stars, our hands interlocked. My life was instantly perfect. For the first time in my existence, I felt a feeling completely foreign to me. I felt like I belonged in this world. I felt loved.

Despite everything, a voice in the back of my mind was screaming at me, this is too good to be true! "Thomas, are you gay?" Dylan asked, his goofy smile the biggest I'd ever seen it.

This was impossibly hard. Yes, I was gay, but I'd never been able to admit it to myself, let alone anyone else. But if I didn't say I was gay now, what would happen? Just say the words you idiot! No matter how hard I tried to push the word 'yes' from my mouth, it was impossible. For God sake you moron! Give him some indication that you are gay! Even the word made me want to throw up. After a thirty second battle with my mind, I managed the tiniest nod.

"You are?" Dylan's voice cracked in what appeared to be excitement, "Who do you like?" he whispered, turning his face so it was ten centimetres from mine, so that I could feel his gentle, rhythmic breathing on my cheek.

Thankfully, I didn't have to answer this one with words. I leaned in, our lips colliding, this is the best second of my life.

Eventually, Dylan pulled away, but kept his veined hand resting on my chest. Only the tiniest part of me believed this was actually happening. Had he liked me all this while? The only indication he'd ever shown of being gay was being touchy and I'd always simply put that down to his personality. What was happening to me this very second was a million percent perfect. How could I be lucky enough for something like this happen to me? I knew for certain I didn't deserve him. But having him was a real possibility now. Thoughts crashed and tangled inside my brain, but with the control I'd found along with Dylan's love, I simply unplugged the plug hole and let every last one drain from my brain. We lay side by side in the dirt for a while. I didn't bother counting seconds, I simply made the most of the ones I had.

Breaking the contented silence, Dylan spoke up, "I love you, Thomas, but no one can know," he stared into my eyes, every ounce of body language deadly serious, "We walk back to that bus, make up something about me giving you some acting tips and pretend nothing ever happened."

The last five words physically hurt. Was this it? Did I have to live knowing that we were both crazy for each other but could never be together? Tears stung my pupils and threatened to spill out once again. "But I can't live without you Thomas. And I can't live without my parents either. But it's you or them."

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