The Argument

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a/n: Don't play the song above until it says

"Patrick, clam down. We will discus this later," Lisa said quietly.

Patrick returned his eyes to the road but didn't obey Lisa, "I will do whatever the hell I like thank you very much! And right now what I want is for our idiotic son to give me a freaking good reason as to why we've been told he is a homosexual and sleeping with his friend!"

Dylan didn't reply.

"I'm talking to you! Don't ignore me you little shit!" he continued.

"The reason I was sleeping with my best friend is because it makes me happy! Is there something wrong with your own flesh and blood enjoying his life?! Or was it your intention to bring someone into the world and condemn them to a life of misery?" Dylan screamed louder than I'd ever heard him before, his eyes glazed with tears.

"You can be happy without shoving your dick up some British kids butt hole!"

"If that's what you think love is then God help you!"

"I never mentioned love. Happiness and love are two separate subjects. I am your father and you will do as I say. If I tell you to be straight, then be straight, understood?" Dylan's father lowered his voice, making him sound infinitely more threatening.

"No. First of all you can't neglect love if you want to be happy. Secondly, you are my father but I am over 18 and finally, my sexuality is something I was born with. If I want to go to hell then I should be allowed to make the choice without your so called 'help'," Dylan replied, evidently attempting to detach all his emotions from his voice.

"Fine," Patrick said after an extended break, "Do what ever the fuck you like and then suffer the consequences, but don't you dare do it in front of me or your mother. "

"Seeing into the minds of deluded beings can be very insightful," Dylan muttered under his breath. I prayed his parents didn't hear.

I gradually let out a large exhale. I hoped it was discreet enough to slip by unnoticed. I allowed myself to think thoughts and feel emotions again, but had no idea what the mess inside me was. Too many emotions to separate them all. It felt like untangling headphones in the dark. I had no idea whether to be scared by being trapped in a car with people who possessed only hatred for me, relieved the arguments were over or frightened by their easy surrender. Surely Dylan was expecting more of a reaction otherwise Will would be right; so far he had been called a bad boy. The more I considered it, the more panic swamped my insides. I shut down my emotions once again.

(Play the song now and continue reading while its on) I plugged my headphones into my ears in another attempt to distract myself, wincing and regretting it as the chorus came on and I correlated it to my, our situation. Staring into my lap, I noticed Dylan's hand lying flat on the middle seat in my peripheral vision. For once in my life, I decided to take a risk and edged my hand towards his, tentatively lacing our fingers together. Dylan looked up to meet my eyes and used his other hand to remove the ear bud from my left ear and placed it into his. We continued to sit in silence, my eyes now staring at the headrest in front of me, thinking about every bump in the road and concentrating intensely on everything around me to keep my thoughts locked away.

(Stop song) The car pulled up the drive and Dylan jumped out so quickly the car may have still been moving. He trotted around and pulled out our bags, beckoning me to help. I gladly removed myself from the uncomfortable situation and grabbed my suitcase. We walked into his parents and Dylan led us up to his former bedroom. It was still furnished like a teenagers bedroom, the walls light brown and white. Dylan dropped his bags in the middle of the room and slumped on the bed, burying his face in his hands. I left my own suitcase next to his and sat down next to him, wrapping my arm around his hunched shoulders. "That was not what I was expecting," Dylan finally removed his hands from his face, his eyes glossy with tears.

"I thought you'd be happy?" I questioned, the rising lump in my throat symbolising the doubt I'd felt on the journey.

"I know my father and trust me here, if it's the only thing you ever believe from me," I believe every single word that leaves your mouth with my entire soul, I thought but knew better than to blurt it out, "That is not the end of it."

"Oh god," it came out my mouth as a barely audible squeak, "Do you kn-"

"No," he interrupted, "But I'm not looking forward to finding out."

"You know I'll always be here for you and I'll protect you and you're safe with me and I love you a million times more than anything else in this universe."

"Tommy," Dylan placed his hand under my chin as if to make me look at him, even though I was already staring straight into his mesmerising chestnut eyes, "I love you so much. I love you more than words could describe so I'm not going to try and describe it because I know they won't even begin to do my feelings for you any kind of justice. But I'm not safe. There is nothing anyone can do to keep me safe from him. Just trust me that I'll get through it."

I wanted the last three sentences that had just come from Dylan's mouth to disappear. I didn't want to hear them. But then I realised the truth. Whether I heard them or not, they'd still be true. I wanted those words to be a lie. "What will he do to you?" I asked shakily.

"I don't know, Thomas. But it won't be good."

I don't know why, but our entire relationship flashed through my mind in that one moment. When I first set my eyes on him in that corridor. Our friendship. My undying love for him that I truly believed I could never tell anyone about. The dare. The truth. Our first time. Will. Aml. And now this. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked, deliberately shifting the subject.

"Sleep in the spare room like last time," he replied, "We can't take any chances."

My mind wandered as to how sleeping separately could help - it wasn't like we were about to try and claim that we weren't together, but I accepted it and dragged my things into my bedroom without another word.


Thank you so much for 1k reads!!! OMG that is crazy for me to know that people actually want to read what I write and enjoy it and thank you so much to every single person who's ever looked at this! I know that loads of other people have many more reads and votes than I do but I'm just so happy that people have taken the time to look at my writing and comment and vote or follow me. It means so much and it's such a great feeling when I see the red dot saying I have a notification and thank you so much to everyone I love you all :) Right I'm gonna stop now because this is very very very cheesy and cringe worthy!

QOTC: What Fandoms are you in?

A: The Maze runner (obviously), Teen Wolf (although not properly yet because I'm only on season 3a and suck at finding time to watch them so no spoilers), Divergent and The Phandom (Dan and Phil). I get so totally obsessed with them that I think if I joined more I'd probably die from lack of sleep...

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