The Choice

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"Where have you love birds been?" Kaya joked as we climbed onto the bus.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. Little did she know that she wasn't joking. Now that I knew our feelings were mutual, I had to summon every ounce of will power to refrain from wrapping myself around Dylan and never releasing, from caressing him and from informing him on how utterly perfect he was. I felt like a terrible human being, but I couldn't help wishing he'd choose me over his parents. I knew it was selfish and hated myself for even thinking the thought, but to live my life without him after the last half hour felt truly impossible.


I suddenly realised that neither me or Dylan had answered her - her sentence had most likely sent his brain spinning with thoughts and feelings just like mine. "Oh, Dylan was just giving me some acting advice," I replied nervously.


There was no way Kaya bought it, what with my nervousness and both mine and Dylan's unusually quiet nature. Anyone could see the lie from a mile away, let alone Kaya. Thankfully, she decided not to push it.

               The last of the crew clambered onto the bus as Dylan and I fastened our belts. On the uncomfortable ride along narrow gravel tracks in a bus with no suspension, the only chat was superficial small talk. Throughout the duration of the journey, I remained quiet and allowed thoughts to steal my conciousness. Even if Dylan's life had depended on it, there was no way I would have been able to shake the last thirty minutes from my brain. I longed to forget about the part that included him either losing his parents or us never being able to be together, but my train of thought inevitably brought me back there. I'd been given a perfect existence for ten minutes and all of a sudden it was ripped from me in the form of eight syllables.

             Just as I was reaching unpreventable tears, the bus juddered to a halt in front of our flats. The chatter subsided and everyone filed out of the vehicle. Everyone seemed to be shattered so without further discussion, we dispersed into our allocated flats. Now feeling the true weight of the situation, I stripped to my boxers and crumpled into bed. I'd caught Dylan then let him go, only now he knew I was gay and good as confirmed to me that we would never share a relationship. My one true love? Gone. I also no longer had control of my secret. And all because of a dare.

            Depressing thoughts had almost dragged me into a nervous, sporadic sleep when the sound of footsteps across the floorboards of my room brought me back to my senses. I forced an eyelid open, to see Dylan's shadow creeping towards me. "Dylan?" I said into the darkness, tiredness and confusion filling my voice.

"Shhh!" he replied, slipping under my duvet with me.

I felt his comfortingly warm, bare skin brush against mine. His actions confused me. Why was he doing this? I'd witnessed first hand his relationship with his parents - there was no way he'd choose me over them. "Why are you here?" I questioned into his ear, desperately trying to find the strength to refrain from kissing him.

"I told you I couldn't live without you. I also told you that I would have to choose between you and my parents. However, on the bus I realised that I can keep you all as long as my parents never find out about us. So, for the time being at least, there is no reason why we can't act according to our feelings because my parents are half way across America and it's going to stay like that for a good ten weeks,"

The tsunami of happiness that hit me was unexplainable. There was only one thing that I cared about in that second - the fact that I just just been told I could express my love for Dylan O'Brien. I did not care that it may only be for ten weeks - right now I could be next to with the man of my dreams and we loved each other. The love was the only thing that mattered. With that thought, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

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