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Dylan froze and I felt his entire body trembling, "Thomas?" It was Will, "Are you in there?"

"Yeah," I gasped, my breathing still heavy.

Will switched on the light, "Oh my god!"

I felt a salty drop of water drop onto my cheek. Dylan was crying. I was internally breaking down because I realised what this meant for him. And it was all my fault. "What the hell is going on in here?!" Will hissed.

The situation must have made his head spin - he had just walked in on two of his male best friends naked in bed having sex when he thought they were both straight. "I can explain!" I whispered, pushing Dylan off me and tucking us under the duvet, "Just bloody close the door."

It was tearing me up inside to know how Dylan must be feeling at this point but I knew the only thing I could do to help him was try to explain the situation to Will. He closed the door and perched on the edge of the sofa. "Do you need a minute to sort yourselves out?" he asked after a long pause.

"Yes please," I replied.

Will edged out the door. I took a look at Dylan to see his face red hot and streaming with tears. I wiped his tears away with my thumb and held the strands of hair flopping onto his forehead back, replacing them with a kiss. "Get off me!" he exclaimed, turning over to face away from me.

The words sent physical pain shooting through me. "Sorry," I muttered, forcing myself out of bed. I fetched my clothes and chucked them on, then placed Dylan's next to him. I sat down on the sofa as Dylan slowly rose from the bed and dressed him self God, he's so beautiful. I mentally punched myself. How dare I think that about him? What right did I have to admire him? He was not mine any more - I'd only come into his life and ruined it! He was the one person I loved with all my heart and I'd endangered him. He padded over to the sofa when fully clothed and sat next to me. "Sorry, " he breathed, wiping his eyes with his knuckles, "It's not your fault," he reached into my lap and took my limp hand in his, squeezing it in apology.

His words flowed through my veins, momentarily warming up my insides, "It is my fault so I'm sorry for being the worst boyfriend in the universe," I replied, burying my face in his muscled shoulder.

"Don't be," He whispered, running his fingers through my tangled hair, "May I kiss you?"

"Of course," I said, raising my head, our lips colliding.

"Are you nearly done?" Will's voice filled the room.

"Come in," I said, pulling my lips from Dylan's but not bothering to detach our hands - he'd witnessed us naked in bed, Dylan on top of me so there was no use in trying to convince him that we weren't a couple.

Will entered and sat down next to Dylan, "Are you two, you know?" he began, waving his right arm at us.

I was angry at Will. It wasn't rational but I couldn't help it - he'd endangered my boy. "What the fuck does it look like, Poulter?" I retorted.

"Woah," he replied, taken by surprise at my sudden attitude.

"What?" I spat, knowing full well what it was.

"Sorry," he replied, "I didn't mean to.. walk in on you."

"If you dare tell another soul about this," I began, not knowing where I was going, "Just.. please don't, for Dylan's sake?"

"Yeah, sure."

His answer momentarily confused me. I had assumed that Will finding out meant the rest of the world finding out. It was only now that I remembered he was one of our best friends and Dylan and I could both trust him. "You didn't think I was homophobic, did you?" he asked.

I was still highly uncomfortable with being gay - for some reason, doing things with Dylan didn't place any words like 'gay' or 'homosexual' into my head, so hearing him say 'homo' still made my heart rate double in speed. "No, sorry," I answered.

"Do you mind me asking why I can't tell anyone?"

"Yes," Dylan spoke up quietly.

I'd never seen Dylan like this before and it distressed me. I could feel that Will was being sincere with his promise, so I wrapped my arm around Dylan's shoulder and let his head fall onto my shoulder (not that it would have made the slightest bit of difference). It felt indescribably good to feel his silky smooth hair tickling my neck and the weight of his head resting on my shoulder. "It's so damn weird seeing you guys like this," Will muttered.

The comment reignited the anger within me. I don't know exactly why, but it seemed disrespectful in some way. How dare he disrespect my Dylan like that? "Oh is it?" I snapped, "It was damn weird seeing you standing there whist we were making love!"

"Shut up, Tommy," Dylan hissed, tilting his eyes up towards mine, "Maybe it's best if we tell him the situation."

"If you're sure," I answered, ruffling his hair.

Dylan lifted his head and cuddled his arm around my waist, "Basically, my parents are massive homophobes but I love them so much. I don't know what I'd do without them, or what they'd do to me if they found out. I can't afford to take any chances."

Dylan broke down into tears once again. This time, however, it was a tsunami of hysterical fits. "I just want to love all three of them at the same time!" he spluttered though his tears.

I had no idea how to console him. I couldn't tell him that everything would be OK, because we both knew full well that it wouldn't be. Instead, I took hold of his chin and tilted his head to look at my face, "It won't be perfect, but we can try our best. I will always love you, Dylan," I whispered, sinking my lips into his. The fact that Will was witnessing the entire thing had completely slipped my mind.

"I hope you both know that I would never want to hurt either of you," Wills voice separated our lips, "By the sounds of it, my mouth could potentially cause a great deal of pain to both of you so I can confirm that it will be staying firmly shut." With that he stood up and crossed the room, "I am truly sorry for messing up your evening."

Dylan and I stayed on the sofa in silence for a while. When his sobs eventually subsided, he eventually spoke up, "Can I sleep with you tonight? I don't care any more, I just want you by my side for as long as possible."

His attitude pained me, but I wanted him just as much as he wanted me, "Of course," I replied, tenderly removing his top, "Lets go to bed now."

We undressed each other clambered into bed and fell to sleep, never letting go of each other.


Hi guys! Hopefully you noticed that the horrendous cover I has has gone forever!!!!! I replaced it with one that my friend made for me so please go and follow her on Wattpad @newtbloodyinspired and on Instagram newtsthrone (fandom account) and http.newttt (personal which is also has lots of edits on) because she is amazing and we should all be grateful that she got rid of the blue disaster of a cover!

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