The Stranger on The Plane

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Take off. The worst part. You gripped the armrest and snapped your eyes shut. But quickly removed your hand as you realized it was a man's hand you were gripping on to.

"Oh I'm so sorry," you said as I quickly taking your hand off his. Still freaking out.

"Fear of take off, ay?" The man giggled but was looking as worried as you. You managed to force out a smile and continue to panic.

"I usually find it easier to look out of the window," The man said continuing conversation.

"Thanks but I have my own ways of dealing with it" You replied politely and not making eye contact. You didn't hear him say anything after that but I felt him smile.

Anyway, you took out your laptop when we had finally hit the air, and started typing away. You were working on a new book. Third time lucky for the publishers. All of a sudden you felt a pair of eyes drift over and start reading your work. You quickly slammed the laptop shut.

"Can I help you?" You ask with a rather angry tone turning your head to the stranger.

"Oh I'm truly sorry, erm I was only reading it looked rather interesting," The man said. "I won't look again, I'm sorry" He continued and went back to his book.

"You thought it was interesting?" You asked feeling yourself smile slightly.

"Yes?" The man questioned. You couldn't help but smile. He said he thought it was interesting. More than what the publishers thought, I guess.

"Would you like to read a chapter?" You asked. Why did I ask? You never let anyone read your work, not even close friends why did you think it was a good idea to ask a total stranger!

"If I may," The stranger said. You opened the laptop and handed it over to him.

After he had finished he turned the laptop back towards you.

"I'm speechless," He said.

"Erm really?" You asked slightly paranoid.

"Yes, it's wonderful! Have you considered getting it published?" He asked.

"This is actually my third time lucky" You replied closing the laptop.

"Really!? The man asked looking shocked. You nodded.

"Well, yeah" You replied shrugging your shoulders. The man didn't say anything,  just looked into your eyes and smiled.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Y/N," I replied.

"Tom, now when we get off this flying, and confined tin would you mind if I took you out for dinner?" Tom asked.

You smiled and looked down. Looking back up at him you replied;

"Sure" You both smiled at one another. You continued writing and Tom went back to his book. You could tell that this was going to be a good trip to London.

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