An Infection

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Artemis woke as soon as it was lights up, glancing at herself before sighing to be human. She saw the other dwarves still asleep before drawing her hood she made her way outside to wait as she stretched. She quickly turned about to pull her sword out to see it was Thorin as she placed her blade back in its sheath and she could tell Thorin was eyeing the red blade.

"Morning" His deep voice greeted as she nodded her head towards him, before she sat on the grass resting her arm on her knee. The horse were uncomfortable and she hated how animals refused to be near her. Yes it had some advantages like when a warg comes, one sniff of her and they are sent running another way. When everyone was up we left the house. Artemis walked on her own request, she walked behind everyone, which made the horses a little happier. Though they were never going to get used to her.

Thorin had left the contract sitting on a table with a quill incase Bilbo had changed his mind, though he highly doubted the fact that the hobbit would come on such a dangerous quest. In fact he hoped he wouldn't come and then he wouldn’t have to look after him.

The dwarves are riding their ponies, and Gandalf his horse, down a path through a wooded area. Artemis tried not to eavesdrop since she had such quick sense of hearing but she heard a few words of their conversation are heard, including “waste of time” and “use a hobbit”. She halted her head turned to the direction they had just came with a soft smile on her lips as she heard Bilbo a while before he came up screaming for the others to stop.

“Wait! Wait!” He kept crying out. Some dwarves call “Woah!” and stop their ponies. Bilbo catches up to them and hands Balin the contract. Artemis smiled down at him, her hood drawn as many of the dwarves wondered why she never removed her cloak.

“I signed it!” Bilbo smiled as Balin takes the contract and inspects it with a pocket-glass. He then smiles at Bilbo.

“Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield.” He officially announced as the rest of the dwarves cheer. Thorin doesn’t look too impressed. He would have been much happier not having to worry about the Hobbit, but then I guess he couldn't have everything.

“Give him a pony.” He grunted as he steered his pony to keep on going.

“No, no, no, no, that--that won’t be necessary, thank you, but I--I’m sure I can keep up on foot. I-- I--I’ve done my fair share of walking holidays, you know. I even got as far as Frogmorton once--WAGH!” Bilbo’s speech is cut off as two of the dwarves ride alongside him and pick him up from behind to put him on a pony. Bilbo is riding a pony and looking quite terrified. The pony neighs and tosses its head, making him quite uncomfortable. As Artemis gives a small smile as she easily keeps up.

“Come on, Nori, pay up. Go on.” Oin called out as Nori tosses a sack of money to Oin; sacks of money begin passing between the dwarves.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Oin shouted out to receive laughs from all the dwarves but Thorin. The only time Thorin ever looked over his shoulder was to ensure that Artemis was keeping up with the rest of the company.

“What’s that about?” Bilbo asked Gandalf unsure as he looked down at the Hobbit

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