Goblin Town

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"Rise and shine sleeping beauties!" Artemis shouted as majority of the dwarves all jumped before groaning as she chuckled. It wasn't long before they made their way again. Fili and Kili always under their breath asked more questions, interested to learn more. They kept hiking through the wilderness of Middle-Earth, over ranges, mountains and plains. The clouds soon were getting blacker as they neared towards the Misty Mountains.

The trail is narrow and dangerous, with a cliff on one side and a sheer drop on the other. There is a fierce storm in the air, with lightning and rain all around. Artemis's cloak flapped, she held her hood ensuring that it stayed up as they kept going. Her hair was stuck to her face, Fili and Kili behind her. She was deeply glad that they knew and that they didn't think of her as a monster even though it took a while to explain everything.

They were amazed that her skin was like her dragon scales, unable to scratch without the 'right' type of weapon. Acka her own sword. As they all kept going, she could tell by the winds of the storms that it was early afternoon.

“Hold on!” Thorin shouted, as he looked back, their eyes met for a second before he turned back. Wind blowing in his face. Rain stinging their eyes. Thorin had finally admitted to himself, he cared for Artemis. He wasn't sure if he loved her, but he knew he had strong feelings for her. As Bilbo walks, the stone beneath his feet gives away, and he starts falling into the chasm; Dwalin manages to pull him back in time.

“We must find shelter!” Thorin shouted

“Watch out!” Dwalin called as the Dwarves look up and see a massive boulder hurtling through the air; it hits the mountainside above them, causing rocks to fall all around them as they press themselves against the mountain. Artemis felt the rock slide down her back, luckily it didn't rip her cloak.

"This is no thunderstorm; it’s a thunder battle! Look!” Balin shouted out over the winds as a stone giant rears up from a nearby mountain; it rips off a massive boulder from the top of the mountain. Artemis, stared amazed as the wind blew her hair out of her eyes.

“Well bless me, the legends are true. Giants; Stone Giants!” Bofur cried out in horror

“Take cover: you’ll fall!” Thorin screamed out, as the first giant throws the boulder far in the air; another stone giant, appears from behind the Company, and it is hit in the head. The dwarves yell at each other to brace and hold on, and the rocks beneath their feet begin to give way from all the vibrations and from the impact of the falling rocks. Artemis had a firm grip on the mountain side, as a bit of rock holding her foot crumbled, before she managed to find a safe spot. The ground between some of the Company members splits; part of the group is on one side, and part on the other.

"Kili! Grab my hand! Ki..." Fili cried as they were split apart. Artemis looked horrified. The two dwarves were frightened. As the two stone giants fight with their fists, the dwarves hold on tight as they are flung around. One of the groups manages to jump to a different spot. A third stone giant appears, and it throws a boulder at the head of one of the first two. That one falls over; as the first group watches, it appears to them that the other group of the Company has been smashed to bits. The hurt stone giant loses its footing and falls down the chasm.

“No! No! Kili!” Thorin cried out. The group rushes to the spot where the others appeared to have been crushed, but they are safe.

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