The Nameless Mike

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I currently have a massive fucking migraine, so I'll try to write as much as I can about the events that have been happening in the past few days, and then I'll continue on where part I left off. Thank you guys again for all the support and encouragement. I started this series simply in case the inevitable happened to me, I wanted at least one person in this world to know what really happened to the nameless, faceless author that types up these posts and puts them on the internet for everyone to see. They might be able to cover up any evidence they see fit to cover up, to make any tragic disaster look like an accident; but the one thing they couldn't do is erase the knowledge of what really took place that was now hidden deep inside that one persons mind. But instead of one person knowing the truth, something amazing happened and thousands, possibly tens of thousands of people that are located all over the globe now knew. And that was something that no company no matter how powerful could erase. So thank you guys, honestly I owe you.

I got done cleaning all my guns at the hotel room, and I then proceed to go to Walmart to get a few extra out door items along with the things I had brought from home in case I could no longer stay in a hotel room and had to do a little camping. I picked up about 10 of the 5 gallon propane containers, 2 big 10 gallon gasoline containers, a big bottle of Jack Daniels, and some other odds and ends to keep me sane if I had to wait for him, after all he did have a reputation for taking his time to prepare and plan for whatever he was about to do. Unless he was setting a trap for me, he really got shit moving when the ball was in his court. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't this time so I was prepared to wait. I stopped at a gas station to fill up my tank, and the 10 gallon gasoline drums I'd just bought. Once I was done I headed up to set up and wait. I arrived around 11 PM.

I told Mike to meet me out at Red Rock in 2 days from when I left him the note. I figured he was going to take the day in between to check out the place, for advantages an disadvantages, cover, terrain, and which spots would offer the greatest advantage over the other i.e. high ground with lots of cover. I had already done this the week before, and I luckily have spent my fair share of time in the area hiking along, just to get out of the city even it was just for a moment. You'd be surprised at how much more you take in when you hike alone and don't have any distractions. I knew this partiular area well, almost like the back of my hand. Mike didn't so I had a few ideas on where to lay a trap for him if he decided to come the next day and do some scouting. I knew he would be looking for good ambush areas, somewhere I wouldn't expect and where he would have an extreme tactical advantage. There was an area about 2 miles in from where the paved road turns into dirt, big boulders surround the road, along with tons of wild trees and bushes. Monsoon season was just coming to an end so the vegetation was nice and thick providing lots of sight coverage. I was planning on parking my car right after this area in order to provide the illusion that that's where I would ambush him, however there's a big over hanging plateau formation way in the distance, it had 3 great perch areas that looked over this entire stretch of road for about a mile and a half in each direction. This was my best chance I had, and I needed to take it.

I arrived at around 11 PM and parked my car way off the dirt road and out of the line of site from people who would be driving on it. I packed up all my gear I would need for the night and started the trek up to the area I chose to watch from. I only brought 2 of my guns, my 9mm just in case it's always good to have back up, and my baby that was a little hungry to do some hunting, the Barret 50 cal. I finally trekked up to the plateau and got the rifle set up for a good shot of incoming traffic. It was around midnight at this point and I figured I'd just relax with some jack and some shitty easy cook meals for a bit. I had no internet or phone service, so it was good ol fashion books and a few good comics to keep me entertained. I had other stuff back in the car but I was content for the night. Around 2:30 to 3 AM I heard a car coming down the dirt road toward me. I was a little curious as no one is usually out here at this time of night. I figured it was a park ranger, or some love crazy kids that just wanted to be alone. Wasn't worried about either as I had hidden the car extremely well, and didn't have any electronics or any other things that would alert people to looking up in my direction. I watched as the car got closer and closer to the area I was planning on leaving the car for Mike to see. The car, a blue TOYOTA RAV IV had rental stickers on the sides of the windows which made me think it was some tourists enjoying the desert at night. But then once I started thinking about it, someone who doesn't know the area, especailly while traveling at night wouldn't even leave the Scenic Route round about, let alone come to some random off trail in the middle of bum fuck egypt. It dawned on me that Mike probably had to rent a car as I... well blew his up. Oops. I waited for a minute and after being stopped at the area for a minute, someone got out of the car. And holy shit it was Mike. He had a fucking big ass bullet proof jacket on, along with some huge assult rifle. It looked like an AR-15 but way more decked out and more like something fucking Rambo would mow people in the rainforest down with. I waited for him to drop his guard an look around a bit and the I took a shot. Missed by a bit. Holy shit how dumb could I be I didn't reset the scope after cleaning the gun. Fucking details man. So I went to another perch point and reset the scope, and then I added a bit of other things into the equasion like distance and angle, and everything checked out. Mike was behind a boulder that was blocking my view from where I had first shot at him, but this new perch was just to the side of it. He slowly inched his way into my scope, and lined up a second shot. Boom, holy fuck this gun sounds beautiful. The bullet drop was a bit more than I anticipated so I hit him in his knee. The bullet blew his fucking leg completely off his body from the knee down. I shot at the gun 3 times to disable it and empty my clip. I made my way down to him and he was looking at me with a shocked look like how the fuck did you hit my leg. I put a tourniquet on his leg, but of course searched him for weapons first. He still had that original 9mm with the suppressor on he he first shot at me with. Memories man. I then shot him up with an epi pen I always kept in my first aid kit to keep him alive for a bit longer. A bit cruel, yes but I didnt want it to end just yet, I had other things for him to see. I dragged him over to his car and put him in the front seat so I could watch him. I went over to him with the bottle of jack and asked if he wanted a last drink. He sure took that fucking opportunity up thats for damn sure. I loaded all of the propane tanks into the back along with both of the gasoline containers. We drove for about 45 minutes, him barely awake, but still fully conscious, and really enjoying the jack. We got up a little ways on the back HWY to Mt. Charleston, and eventually got to a good straight away with a sharp turn at the end, with nothing but a little guard rail in between the road and about a 1300 ft drop. I found a good sized rock on the side of the road an started to pour the gas all over the inside of the vehicle. All Mike did was close his eyes and wait. When I was done an about to launch it, I went up to the door and asked him a simple question, "You want it fast and quick, or long and horrible?" He looked at me with a smile, and held up the nearly empty Jack Daniels bottle. Fast, but let me finish this first. He chugged the rest of it and said something I'll never forget, "I definitely don't want to die just yet, but you sure set up one hell of a fucking game for yourself." He knew I had put a hit on myself right after I left him that very first note in my apartment that said Tag, you're it! He looked up forward out the windshield to the sky and said, "Do it, make it quick and clean, and light this fuckin thing and get the fuck out of the area." Until the very end he was a damn good sport about it, if the tables would have been turned I dont think I would of been so nice about it. Boom, in one temple out the other. I set the gas on fire in the back first and placed the the car in drive. I then let it fall on to the gas pedal, and the car took off. It strayed to the right a bit, but it was going pretty damn fast by the time it hit the edge. I was walking for about 5 or 6 minutes before the propane tanks exploded. They can handle a bit of heat I guess. They went off one after another, and the last 4 or 5 of em all went off at once. I got off the high ways and started walking the trail back to my area. And thats all how this should have ended, but I'm sorry to say that it hasn't.

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