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"Don't worry", I said staring the blonde little girl in the eyes, talking with the quietest high pitch voice I could muster up, "I'm not here to hurt you, I'm going to get you out of here." I looked around to find the keys, and to no avail, they weren't down there. "Hold on, I'll be right back, okay?" She gave me quick little nod, not knowing whether if she could trust me or not. I ran back in the house to grab the bolt cutters in my backpack. I grabbed them and passed by the bathroom. I opened up the door quickly to see Ralph struggling to get the rope untied, but failing miserably. His eyes widened wider than they ever had been I'm sure as he saw me there holding the bolt cutters. "Oh don't worry you mother fucker, I'm not using these on you quite yet." A quite whimper escaped through the duct tape as I closed the door. I ran back to the shed / garage out back and flew down the stairs. As I entered the little girls view she crawled back into the corner of the cage, I'm assuming because she thought I was going to use the bolt cutters on her. That just wanted me to make that fucking monster inside die even slower. I approached the cage and started clipping the cage bars one by one. It looked like a make shift enclosure, maybe 2 or 3 large dog kennels welded together. As soon as I could pry it open I tossed the bolt clippers to the side and reached my hand in. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe now." I said, trying to smile and sound reassuring. She reluctantly grabbed my hand and I pulled her out, hugging her tightly and I whispered in her ear that she was safe now, and that I was going to get her home to her parents. I set her down, and knelt down to her level. "I'm going to get your little friend out now too, okay? So please stay tight until I get her out." She gave me a little nod that she understood and I started working on the other little girls cage. I looked around at the other few cages, knowing at one point in time that they were used, little kids and probably teens were held here and never left... alive. I pried the other cage door open and grabbed the other girls hand. I gave her a big hug and also told her everything was going to be okay. I set her down and I'll never forget what happened next, they hugged each other tight, not wanting to let go. To each other, they were probably the only thing that made the situation a little bit brighter; able to talk to one another in the pitch black and pass the time. I touched each of them on the shoulder and told them I'm going to get them home now. They each grabbed one of my hands and I led them out of that hell hole. As much as I wanted to tear that man inside to fucking pieces, I needed to get these little girls to safety first. I called up Anne and gave her the low down, I asked her if she could come pick the girls up and take them to a police station. I called the front gate and acted like Ralph, letting them know that I was expecting a visitor.

20 minutes later Anne arrived. Before putting them in the car I knelt down again and said, "Okay you guys, this nice ladies name is Anne and she's going to take you back to your parents. Now be good, and remember that the bad man that brought you here is gone forever, he can never get you again, okay? You guys are brave little girls, I want you to know that." They nodded, understanding that they were finally out of that place; their eyes finally gaining a bit of light knowing it was over. I gave them each a big hug and set them in the car. The little blond mumbled something and I leaned in and asked her, "What was that?" With all the strength she had in her, she whispered, "Thank you." into my ear. That was it I started fucking balling. "You're welcome sweetie." The other little girl slid over and gave me another hug. I nodded, and said, "Now you be good." Another few little nods and I shut the door. I approached the drivers window. Anne was looking at me and said, "You did a good thing, what about... you know who? He still in there?" "Oh yeah he's still in there, and he's about to be in fucking pieces in about 10 minutes." She nodded and said "Okay, just call when you're all finished up, and try not to leave too much of a mess for the cleaning crew, okay?" "Alright" I said, "Just get these little ones to the police station, say you found them wondering around or something." "I'll figure it out, have fun." I just nodded, and waved bye to the girls as they drove away, seeing them wave back to me as they rounded the corner out of the neighborhood.

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