No Backing out

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I followed her while lagging behind a bit, attempting to survey the situation a bit. It was no use though, I was way out of my league, and that fact devastated me. I hate having no control of situations I'm involved in. We both sat down, facing each other on opposite sides of the bench. She took off her sunglasses, beautiful green eyes shone in to my view, wore out from the troubles of her past and the obstacles in her future. "We have a proposal for you, Mr. Fredrick." "Call me Tyler, I said". "Okay, Tyler, well let me give you the short version. You poked the wrong bear, and furthermore you killed one of our operatives. This wouldn't be a problem if you hadn't hired a fucking hit on yourself just for some amusement. Now we're a man down, and that's very serious in our line of work, we value each of our employees and the skill sets they possess. Now, I'll ask you one time, rather I'll tell you one time, you will join our organization for a limited amount of time to replace the operator you disposed of. That or sometime in the next 12 hours you will be disposed of." I started laughing, that smile returning to my face that I hadn't had since the last time I saw Mike. I wasn't laughing because something was funny, it was one of those laughs where something is seriously fucking wrong and there is no other emotion to convey how fucked up the situation is. She glared at me, like this was some kind of fucking joke, like my life was a joke. "Well, I don't have much of a choice now do I." "Smart man", she said, "Follow me, details will be discussed with you further." We walked towards the parking lot where I saw a black Bentley with dark tinted windows pull up. It was brand new, not a scratch on it. Looking at the back of it I see that it has "CA Exempt" plates on it. As I got into the car she put her hand up to her ear and said, "Stand down, he's cooperating, return to point delta at 22:00 hours." She started getting in, while looking at me. "Could you please remove the 9mm from your pants, unchamber the round, and remove the magazine?" "You're not planning on taking it from me are you?" "No sir, it's just a precaution, I'll do it with mine if it'd make you feel better." she said. "I don't really care, it seems you have no intentions of killing me as you could have done so already, and why would you scuff a pretty car like this with my brain matter?" She smirked again, "You seem to have good intuition, you should fit right in." And so we drove away and headed out of town towards state line, not knowing what was a head of me but to tired and worn out to care.

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