I Was Forced

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long time no see. I'm typing this out not for you guys, but mainly for me. I need to vent a bit, and there's not many people I can talk about this to. One of the reasons I'm even able to do this is because of nosleep's policy. The "everything here is real even when it's not" policy. The organization I'm working for has gone through this sub numerous times, and granted me authorization to write this. It seems not many authorities prowl this sub, and when they do come here, it's on their own time to get some good spooks. A lot of shit has been going on in my life lately, and at the end of the day I believe I was able to turn it around and actually do some good for this evil fucking world we live in. Anyways, lets just get to the story about how I was forced into this new line of work, how I was forced to become a hired gun.

There are entities, both living and non-living, that have power and control like you couldn't even imagine. Even now, after seeing everything I've seen, it's hard for me to grasp. It's hard for me to believe. Those conspiracy theory nuts really aren't too far off I've come to realize. Things are more connected behind the scenes than you could even imagine. These entities are completely invisible to the normal person until it lets it's presence known to you, or you worm you way into it's territory; either of these scenarios end the same way. Once you stumble upon things of this magnitude, you end up joining, or you end up dead, simple as that. These people are everywhere, politicians, CEO's, lawyers, and businessmen. They are able to see all, control anyone they want, and the scariest part, anything is obtainable, anything. Again, I'm rambling, lets pick up where I left off last time shall we?

I arrived at Sunset park, about a 10 minute drive from downtown Vegas, around 6 PM. I was walking around the area where these people wanted me to meet them until I saw a woman in a suit leaning against a tree. She had glasses on but I could feel her staring at me, her gaze studying my movements and piercing my body like a knife. I walked up to her with my hands behind my back, my right hand inches away from my 9mm that was tucked in my pants under my shirt. As soon as I approached her, she said to me "You have a 9mm tucked in your pants, I'd advise you not to pull it out." I was stunned, she was very good at picking up visual ques from people. She smiled as my facial expression showed that she was correct. I continued walking toward her, trying to not show my fear that this may be the end for me. A light breeze blew through the park as I approached. I smiled a bit and said, "Well aren't you an intuitive little thing? Tell me, what's stopping me from pulling out my gun and blowing your fucking brains out?" I tried sounding like I had some sort of control over the situation, but that was the furthest thing from the truth, and she knew it. "I have a sniper trained on you right now, if you attempt to make a move for your gun, you'll have your head blown clean off your body in less than half a second." I pulled my arms from behind my body and folded them in front of me. "Good, you seem to have some brains after all.", she said, smirking a bit. That smug fucking face reassuring me that I was in no position to do anything, like a dog's owner smiling as it obeys a command. "Enough of the bullshit, you called me, I came, now what the fuck do you guys want?" She gave me a signal to follow her, in the distance I saw a park bench void of any human activity.

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