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I passed by the mansion community that he lived in, guards checking in guests before they could enter. Security wasn't terrible, but it would be easier and more beneficial to sneak in. I found a spot about a quarter mile away and parked the car. I made my way, backpack in hand, to the back brick wall of the community. Shrouded by darkness, I hopped the wall and made my way to the mans house. The house was dark, vacant, it seemed, of human activity. I used a bump key to get into the garage door that led from the side of the house. No cars were in there, neither was there one in front. I checked the door leading into the house, it was unlocked. I slid right in and gave myself a tour of the place while making myself at home. I tried to make it quick, making my way through while tipping over expensive shit like lamps and vases, cause why not, the guy is a disgusting prick. I entered one room and saw something that caught my interest, it had a few teddy bears and upon a closer look, the dresser drawers contained children's clothing. This guy didn't have any kids, and was defiantly not the type to have a niece or nephew stay the night. It was just all off, I could feel it. In the closet I found a tripod and an accompanying HD camera to go with it. It gave me the chills, something was not right about this. Just as I closed the closet door, I heard a car pull up while head lights illuminated different sections of the house as he turned off the street and onto his driveway. It was go time, time for this mother fucker to pay.

I watched for a moment out the second story balcony as he stumbled out of his car to the front door. He was defiantly drunk, which is good, makes an easy target. I exited the bedroom and grabbed a signed baseball bat that was hanging in the hallway. I made my way down to the double front doors. Just as I hid out of sight in the corner, he put the keys in the lock. The door opened half way, and he staggered inside. He kicked the door shut behind him and started walking towards the stairs. "Hi Ralph." I said quickly while raising the baseball bat to my side. His eyes widened like a deer in the headlights, realizing that someone was inside of his house who wasn't supposed to be there. Before he could do anything I swung and knocked him straight on the side of his head, slightly above his temple. He hit the ground instantly, letting out a mix between a grunt and a whimper. He turned his head slightly trying to get a look at me, I pulled the rope out of my backpack and tied him up as tight as I could. Those knot tying lessons in boy scouts really came in handy. I got him into the guest bathroom downstairs and tied him up to the sink. He was fading in and out of consciousness, but he was starting to come to. I put a gag in his mouth and duct tapped it shut, then searched his pockets. He was looking at me, his eyes not quite able to focus on me or what was going on as I leaned down and lifted up his chin. I looked him right in the eyes. "Hey Ralphy, buddy, how's it hangin'?" The only thing I could hear was his muffled attempts to speak, probably to plead with me, telling me to take what I want and leave. "Don't worry buddy, I'm not here to rob you, I'm hear for something else." I said in a cheery upbeat tone. "I'm here for her", as I pulled out a picture of the little girl. His eyes widened, showing the realization of understanding what was going on, knowing how fucked he actually was. More muffled pleads followed. "You don't happen to have her do ya buddy?" A shake of the head told me no, but I knew he was full of fucking shit. After all he a god damn executive banker. "Hmmm, see here's the thing, I don't really believe you. I have a few sources that say you do have her." His eyes dropped to the tile floor below, refusing to look at me. I picked his chin up again and stared into his eyes. "Look man, I'm going to level with ya; this will go a lot quicker for you and me if you just tell me where she is." I ripped the duct tape off his mouth for a quick second. "I don't have her!" he said, the desperation gushing from his mouth. I hit him straight in the nose a few times and heard it break, the crunch slightly muffled by his cries of pain. "See I don't believe you, like I said, I know you have her. I guess I'm going to have to go look for her, you sit tight." I chuckled a bit, "Oh who am I kidding, you're not going anywhere!" My happy-go-lucky smile slowly destroying his soul; the situation he was in seeping into him bit by bit. I put the duct tape on his mouth again, and secured him even tighter to the sink, his hands and feet bound tightly as to make sure he couldn't escape

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