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I flew out of it before realizing I didn't have a car at the moment. I turned around to look at Anne, not noticing me while flipping through the paperwork attached to the clipboard. She looked up at me, "Yes?" "Car.... I need a car." I said stuttering a bit. "Oh yes, that had slipped my mind, follow me again." She led me around a few corridors out into what seemed like the back of the warehouse. We went through a door into a large indoor garage, filled with black cars and SUV's of all shapes and sizes. "Take your pick, except for the ones that are parked inside the red boxes, those are on reserve by some of the top officials." I nodded quickly before running around the lot like a spoiled teenage girl getting her first car from mommy and daddy. I walked up to a set of black Bentleys, both black from head to toe, each with a set of government plates. I pointed, "This one." I said with a huge grin on my face. Anne laughed, "I see you have an eye for luxury, huh?" "I suppose" I responded. She went over to a large metal rack and looked up the spot it was parked in. As I approached her she threw me the keys. "Don't fucking scratch it!" she barked at me, as I ran back towards the car. "Yeah yeah." I hollered back from across the lot. I opened the trunk and put everything in there, ready to get the night started. As I headed for the garage door, I noticed Anne waving me to drive over to her. I rolled down the window and stopped right beside her. "Here's the address to where you're going to meet me when you're all done with this." She handed me a cellphone with an address written down in the default notes app. "We'll be meeting you here 20 minutes after you call us to retrieve the car and take you back here to return the gear." I gave her a quick nod. As I was about to roll the window back up she put a hand on it. "I don't have to remind you that we won't think twice about putting you 6 feet under if you happen to ditch us. We normally need to build up a trust with new operators before sending them out, however I have an inclination that you won't be going anywhere.", she said, looking at me dead in the eyes. "I know," I said, "I'm not going anywhere." She took her hand off the window seal, and the garage door started to open, I sped off, a setting sun illuminating a pink and purple sky greeting me as day turned into night.

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