Black on Black

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We arrived in LA about 4 hours later, having no idea where I was, it was too late to turn back now. Shit it was too late to turn back the moment I arrived at the park earlier that day. About 20 minutes after we arrived in LA the woman handed me a folded up bandana, speaking for the first time since I got in the car. "Put this on to cover your vision, we do this as a precaution to all new members to ensure the security of our black site." "Fine" I said, while tying it behind my head. "Am I ever going to know the location of this place?" "Yes, it's one of our central hubs that serves our needs for a lot of our activities, once we know you're dedicated and have the means to get a job done we'll let you in on everything.", she said. "By the way, what's with the CA Exempt plates on this thing?" I said, while looking in to total darkness as the blindfold covered my eyes. " I guess I can tell you now, we are part of a larger organization contracted by the government." My heart fucking dropped, what the fuck was this lady talking about?!? The government contracts fucking hitmen agencies? I heard her chuckle under her breath, I guess my face gave away my emotional state again. "I see that you didn't expect that. Yes, we are a sub branch of a larger organization that does para-military work inside the states for certain organizations in Washington, and for major corporations that need others to do the dirty work for them." "Like the CIA, FBI, and Department of Homeland Security?" I said eagerly awaiting her answer. "Who contracts us is classified to you, and most of all isn't you concern. Just know that we don't directly work for the government, we just receive funding and support from certain agencies." "What the fuck are you talking about? You're a god damn hitman agency, you can't possibly expect me to believe that you people are a para-military branch of the government." I said my words coming out of my mouth faster than I could even think. She chuckled again, "It's more complicated than you can comprehend at the moment, our hitman division is only an extremely small branch of what we do as a whole. The hits people request are given to our operators as a side job for those who request them. It's a way for certain employees to earn a chunk of extra cash on the side while at the same time obtaining skills that improve our other operations." My face was probably priceless at that moment, just the pure disbelief at what I was hearing. If I hadn't heard it from a credible source, I would think I was talking to a nut job. "So the government, or who ever the fuck pays the bills, allows you people to do this shit?!?" I said. "It's not that they approve us to do it" she said, "It's more like they look the other way during these activities. After all, everything we do is looked down upon by most of the government. We scratch their back, and they scratch ours. We provide a necessary service to them and in return they ignore certain activities that give us extra funding as a group and for indivdual operators." As she ended her sentence I heard the driver roll down his window. "Echo, Foxtrot, Beta, X-ray, coming in", he said. "Opening" I heard a voice say that sounded like it was coming from a speaker. I then heard a gate start to open, metal grinding as it slowly slid open. "We're here, keep your blindfold on until I direct you to take it off." We pulled forward and then I heard a large garage door start to open. We pulled forward once again and I heard it close behind me. Now things are going to get real. Now I get to see what my purpose will be and what my future will hold. I heard a door open and the woman got out of the car, followed by a mans voice saying "So this is him?" "Yes this is him" I heard her reply. A hand grabbed my arm and helped me out of the car. "You can take the blindfold off now Tyler." "Okay, thanks." I removed the bandana from my face and what greeted me was a large warehouse the likes of which I had never seen before.

Okay guys, that's about it for today, I'll continue tomorrow if there's interest in what follows. Thanks again for reading nosleep, I gotta go get what I've written approved and then I'll upload it. Have a good one.

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