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Let's call him Mark. Mark was on his head set clicking around on his multi-monitor set up and I saw something while peaking behind his shoulders on the far left monitor. It was a picture of a little blonde girl, she couldn't of been more than 8 or 9. Pretty blue eyes that shined like the sky on a bright summers day. She looked a lot like my little sister, it made me smile. I had to wonder why this picture was on his screen however. He was on an application, it wasn't his background or anything. I approached closer and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and looked up with me, seemingly intrigued with what I was inquiring about. "Can I help you?" he asked with an upward inflection in his voice. "Yes you can, I just started here, what's with the picture of the little girl?" I asked confidently, as if I had just been hired on to run the fucking place. He gave a quick glance to the woman who brought me there, seeing if it was okay to talk to me. A quick nod of her head and he continued. "It's a picture of a little girl that went missing 2 weeks ago, the mother thinks she knows who has her but unfortunately the police were no help." he said. "So we have a search and rescue squad in this place or something?" I asked quickly. "No sir, she had a hit put out on the guy, it's her old boss, a high ranking banker who she used to work for, apparently a really sick fuck. She sent us the picture in hopes that we might run into her at his place once we take care of the guy." Something happened inside of me right then, a kind of feeling that I can only describe as fate screaming in my face. I was supposed to be here, I was supposed to talk to this man, and I was supposed to ask my next question, "Are there any other operators on this case already?" "No sir", he said, "it just came in earlier today, the woman had just gathered the funds in order for us to take care of it." I shot a quick glance over at my recruiter, for the stories sake, let's call her Anne. "I'm taking this job as my first, any objections?" I said matter-of-factly. Nothing she could say would change my mind on this, even if I had to do it for free. She came over to the computer and asked me to give them a minute so they could talk. She came back up to me where I was waiting after a short time. "This job isn't the type of thing I was going to assign you at first, it's a hit, you know that right?" "I'm well aware." I said, my tone hard as stone. "Okay, as long as you know. By the way, how come you want this job so badly? I can see it in your eyes, like you knew that girl." she said. "She reminds me of my little sister", I said, my eyes becoming heavy and glassy, "and I can't stand mother fuckers that have anything to do with harming children. You only have one childhood, one time to be innocent and carefree. People who take that away from them deserve to die... slowly and painfully." "I agree, what I'm getting at is even if this man had nothing to do with that little girls disappearance, you still have to go through with it. You'll have to bear that on your shoulders." she said. She was surprisingly considerate. "I realize that. Besides he's a piece of shit banker, I want to hang his ass just for that. Probably as smug ass fucker." (By the way, if any 'high up the ladder' bankers are reading this, no offence, you just happened to really fuck our country and pretty much the world economy and I don't like your kind.) She smiled and I went back over to the guys station, ready for the details of the job, and ready to pop my hit cherry. ;)

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