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As I sat down in an empty chair a few feet away from the man, a printer went off in front of me. It started spitting out info, maps, and schedules of my target. I started smiling again, I contemplating my future and the fact that maybe I'd actually want a permanent job here. My thoughts broke when Mark walked in front of me and grabbed the papers. He returned to his desk, labeling some of the files and ordering them to make it more accessible for me. He grabbed a manila folder in one of his drawers and put the stack of papers in it. Ahh, how that folder brought back memories of how I got into this whole mess. He handed it to me with a serious face before saying, "Good luck." I stood up and followed Anna's cue to follow her.

We exited the room and started walking down a very long white hallway. She turned her head slightly to speak to me. "When do you want to do this job, tomorrow would probably be best so you can get your head straight and focus." "Tonight." I shot out. "It's already 6:30" she said, stopping to see if I was serious, "you want to take care of this in the next few hours?!?" "Yes I said, I want this fucker now" I gave her a quick wink, "my blood lust for this man isn't going to quell until he's dead." She chuckled a bit, "Well if you say so, it's not like it's your first time killing someone." Flashbacks hit me like a brick wall, everything that had occurred in the past month or so came flooding into my brain like a summer monsoon. "You okay?" she asked, looking at me as I was lost in my own brain. "Yeah, I'm fine. You guys got an armory around this building?" She smiled, that grin coming back to her face that'd I'd seen earlier returned for a moment. "Yes, I'll show you the way." "After you.", I retorted.

I had brought none of my weapons with me since I was pretty much swept away to L.A. without a seconds notice. We arrived at a steal door, a man behind a clear bullet proof glass window eyeing me as we approached. "Hey Stan, can you let us in?" she said. "Sure thing Anne, who's the new kid?" he asked hesitantly. "Mike's replacement." she said quickly. A weird mix of hatred and amazement washed over his face. I stared into his eyes, knowing this man had known Mike. "Sorry." I muttered softly. No words had to be exchanged, I already knew. "Were you friends?" I asked quietly. "Drinking buddies really, no one is friends around here, after all we're not technically supposed to know each other." "He went out after pounding half a bottle of Jack, just to let you know." His scowl turning to a slight smile. "He would of wanted it that way.", muttering to himself with a gleam of remembrance in his eyes. Suddenly he pushed a button and the door slid quickly open, revealing a site that stuck me with pure awe. Rows and rows of guns, ammo, and high tech special ops gear glimmering in the fluorescent lighting. "Take your pick", Anna said, smiling while looking at my face. I wish I could of seen my reaction, probably only rivaled by a little kid arriving with his parents for the first time to a candy store. I started walking down the isles, admiring at the massive collection of big kid toys they were in stock. "We have a strict protocol when checking out guns and gadgets." she said. I'll update you with everything after you get back from your job, for now pick out what you want, and I'll handle the paperwork when you get back." "Sounds good to me." I said. A short summary of everything I got, 2 hand guns, 2 suppressors, night vision goggles, a box of ammo, 4 extra mags, a black backpack, bolt cutters, a burglary kit, rope, black gloves, a military grade knife, a military grade ax, 3 flash grenades, a medical kit with epi-pens, and a slick black suit that seemed to be tailored just for me. There were a few other odds and ins, I just don't feel like diving into my memory and trying to type all of the items out. I headed for the door again. "You're planning on having quite a night tonight, aren't you?" Anne said, quickly following behind me. "If I get my way, yes... yes I am.", the last few words trailing off under my breath. A metal box opened up underneath the glass window on the inside of the armory. Inside of it was a clipboard with a hand full of papers clamped down on to it. "I'll take care of the boring stuff for now, just sign here saying that you were the one who checked these items out." I signed quickly, eager to get this started. "Stan, I'll be bringing this back tomorrow morning when I get in, I gotta show the newbie the process." she said. Stan gave her a quick nod and the door opened up.

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