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I'm warning you right now, shit is about to get real, and very fucking graphic. I'm not sparing a single detail with what happened, what I did to that sick fuck, so if you're not very good with gore I'd suggest turning back now. Of course, all details such as locations, names, and intel will be changed for my protection. Anyways, for those who are still with me, let's continue shall we? ;)

I had arrived at the warehouse around 5 PM or so. As I got out of the car, I was greeted with an amazing site. On the outside this warehouse seemed old and rusted, from years of being exposed from the elements. Inside however, was incredibly high tech and I could tell not a penny was skimped on purchasing all the latest technology. I was given a quick tour while the lady who I'd talked to earlier was giving me the run down. Her words were going in one ear and coming out the other as I tried to study every last detail of this massive place. We got to one room and my interest was piqued, as it looked like the god damn launch room at NASA. A full HD projector was at the front of the room, and behind it were rows and rows of fancy computers, streaming with codes and different applications. Each station had a man or woman in a suit manning them. All of them had head sets on, seemingly finishing up the days work. I started walking around as the lady who recruited me was in mid-sentence, cut off by my body language showing I was no longer interested with what ever the fuck she was talking about. I was walking around looking at the different monitors, looking at different applications on the various screens that made me think I was on a spaceship, I didn't understand any of it. That was until I got to one man's work station.

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