LJ10 - Part 15

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For the second time in a row, I woke up with a horrible feeling.

This time it wasn't so much physical due to a hangover, but mental because of the turmoil of the previous night. It was hard for me to wrap my head around what exactly had happened. As my alarm clock went off, I tried to gather my first thoughts of the day without overdoing it.

As I fully opened my eyes, I remembered that I hadn't been alone last night. But I was now. Sitting up, Lauren was nowhere to be seen. I knew I hadn't imagined her staying with me because the pillow case smelled like her shampoo. The clothes I had lent her were neatly folded on a chair. Looking at my phone, I assumed she had left because of work. Her being there for me last night meant so much to me and I hadn't had a chance to tell her yet.

But first, I had to go about my daily routine. I took a shower, woke Lara up so she would get ready for school and then walked into the kitchen to make breakfast for us. Before I was able to do that, I noticed a bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table. My eyes opened widely in surprise. Those definitely hadn't been here last night. I got closer and admired the pink roses that had a note lying next to them. My smile became even bigger when I recognized Lauren's handwriting:

"Good morning,

I had to leave early for work but I hope you're feeling better today. The pink roses stand for gratitude and appreciation (at least that's what the lady in the shop told me). I am so thankful to have you back in my life, Camila. And I appreciate you more than you can probably fathom. I hope this little token of my affection lets you start your day off with a smile.


My heart felt like it was about to burst in my chest. I wasn't used to this. In fact, for the longest time I hadn't believed that these types of feelings were possible. But Lauren's attentiveness made me feel incredibly special. Never had someone done seemingly minor things for me to simply demonstrate their feelings. I felt some tears even swelling in my eyes because I was so touched.

I almost dropped the note as I heard my daughter coming into the kitchen. She was ready for breakfast and I hadn't even started. Quickly putting the note in my jeans pocket, I focused on Lara and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

"The flowers are so pretty," Lara remarked and I nodded with a smile.

"They are," I agreed.

Since we were running a little late, I decided to make Lara something quick that she still enjoyed. Washing up the fruit, I knew she loved strawberry and banana smoothies in the morning.

"Is Pancakes still here?" my daughter suddenly asked and I stopped in my tracks for a second.

"No, she left," I said carefully.

Was she aware that Lauren had spent the night? Lauren and I hadn't discussed how or when we would break the news to Lara about us dating. I didn't want to overwhelm the six year-old. At the same time, I wasn't going to lie to her if she asked. As I finished up the smoothies for both us, I saw Lara gently playing with the pink rose pedals. Sitting down next to her, the hazel-eyed began drinking the fruity content I had served her.

"Is it good?" I asked and stroked her silky hair for a moment.

"Yes. But tomorrow you should make pancakes," Lara grinned happily and I couldn't help but do the same.

"I will," I nodded while watching her. I took a few moments before cautiously asking what was on my mind. "Sweetie, is it ok with you that Lauren stayed the night? I don't want you think that I'm having people stay here without asking you. This is our home and it always will be. You know that right?"

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