LJ10 - Part 31

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„Are you feeling a little better?"

Lauren's soft voice appeared and made me open my eyes. After a highly emotional visit to my sister's grave, I barely remembered what had happened afterwards. I had cried for what seemed like an eternity before I was too exhausted to produce any more tears. My fiancée who had surprised me with her visit had brought me back to my hotel. We were lying on the bed, her arms around me while my head rested on her chest. Apparently I had dozed off or possibly even fallen asleep for a little while.

"Yeah," I returned in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Good," Lauren breathed in deeply and kissed my forehead.

"I still can't believe you came all this way," I admitted.

"I had to," she replied quietly and shifted her body so we were facing each other. "These last few weeks were...horrible and I couldn't stand where we had left things. I felt like calling you wouldn't suffice after the way I treated you."

"I knew there was something going on but I couldn't get through to you," I answered calmly.

"Camila, I'm really sorry," the older one apologized once more and cupped the side of my face. "I hurt you and that's the last thing I want to do. You were right about me not being supportive."

"You had a bad few weeks but I know who you are," I said sincerely. "They don't change anything. I just want to stop fighting."

"Me too," she agreed while stroking my cheek with her thumb. "Whatever you decide to do, I'm going to be your biggest cheerleader."

"That's a nice visual," I smiled at her.

"I'm buying an outfit asap," she reciprocated my smile. "But seriously, I don't care if you want to be a musician or a freaking astronaut; I'm going to support you."

"Even if I decide to take Ariana's offer?" I asked carefully.

"Listen," my fiancée sighed slowly. "I never should have reacted that way when you told me about her. It was immature and I freaked out. Hearing her name brought me back to a time when our relationship was incredibly hard. At that time I genuinely thought I had lost you forever. So when you mentioned her, I saw red. It had nothing to do with you or your passions. I should have listened but I was too caught up in everything else. If you want to work with her, then I'm okay with it."

"Are you sure?" I wanted her to be honest. "If it bothers you then we can discuss it."

"Do you want to take her offer?" Lauren asked softly.

"Yes but not at the expense of us," I reiterated.

"Take the offer," she said without even knowing what the offer was.


"No, I mean it. Take the offer," she repeated with a little smile. "Whatever the offer is, I trust you."

"She's working on her first album and wants me to write for her," I explained. "I could do it in New York and she's giving me a lot of creative freedom which is great. Her producers in New York would be my first contacts and we would see how things go from there."

"That sounds perfect," the other brunette nodded slightly. "You could still play soccer and write whenever you have some time. I think you should do it if that's makes you happy. There's nothing I want more than for you to be happy."

"Are you really sure?" I couldn't help myself but ask again before Lauren laughed.

"Yes, babe!" she giggled. "I'm absolutely sure."

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