Chapter 5

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The next day I overslept, which was not a good thing. I woke up with about ten minutes to eat and get dressed, so I ended up looking like a hobo. I yanked my hair into a ponytail and stuffed my eyeliner and mascara in my pocket in hope that I could do it in the car.

For once, The Carer seemed pleased with me. She didn’t mind that I came downstairs late, instead gave me a smile and a muffin to eat in the car.

“What’s up with her?” I asked Tara, who ignored the question.

“What was he like?” She asked instead, who eyes alive with the prospect of gossip.


She laughed like I’d told a joke. “Alex, of course.”

Alex. Of course.

“Oh, he was... fine” I said lamely. She raised an eyebrow, and tried a different route.

“Does he really want to adopt you?” She asked.

“I guess so” I said, frowning. That reminded me. I needed to talk to Cassia... and Jacob, I needed to talk to Jacob...

“That’s so cool!” Tara gushed, “Isn’t he, like, famous?”

“Kind of, he’s in a band” I said absentmindedly. “They’re not that well known or anything though.”

She disregarded this. “So he’s, like, a celebrity?”

“In a way” I said, glancing at Broderick for help. He smirked from his seat opposite me, and shook his head.

“Wow” Tara said, “So when he adopts you, you’re going to be famous too!”

“I don’t think he’s going to adopt me” I admitted.

“What? Why not? You just said-”

“Don’t be silly, Finley” The Carer said, “Of course he’s going to adopt you.”

“Yeah, Fin” Tara agreed, “Why wouldn’t he?”

They didn’t understand. They never would.

School passed slowly and painfully, and I spent most of the day with my head resting in my hand and my ears closed. Instead of spending lunch at the library, I put my hood up and ducked out of the school. I broke into a sprint and ran most of the way to the detention centre, only beginning to walk when I saw the front doors.

I think the receptionist knew I should be in school, but she buzzed me inside anyway.

“You here for Jacob?” She said, “Go sit down, I’ll call him in.”

Jacob arrived at the door. He raised an eyebrow at me, and nodded towards the door.

“So, tell me, why aren’t you in school?”

I bit my lip. “I wanted to talk to you. About-”

“Alex” Jacob finished, “Still, education is important.”

I shrugged. “I can afford to miss a day.”

We sat down on the grass, like we always did. I laughed. It was weird that this place felt like a home to me.

“So” Jacob said, cocking his head to one side. “Alex.”

I nodded. “He was nicer than I thought he would be.”

Kill Me With Words (All Time Low Fanfiction)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα