Chapter 15

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“I don’t know how we get any work done,” Rian said.

Alex was in the booth, supposedly recording vocals.

“And now I will just insert the lenses into my anus," Alex said, in an auto tuned chipmunk voice. Mike Green sat watching him in fits of laughter.

"I know how immature Alex is, but I did expect a bit more..." I hesitated, smiling, "Or, a little less..."

Rian rolled his eyes. "Yeah, if you're smart you'll give up on expecting maturity from Alex pretty quickly."

I laughed. In all fairness, I wasn't just Alex who wasn't doing anything productive; Rian had spent his morning texting Cassadee, Jack was playing Google's Doctor Who 50th Anniversary game and swearing loudly about the weeping angels, and Zack was sitting at his laptop, looking through the photos he'd uploaded from his camera.


I couldn't help wandering over to him and taking a look from over his shoulder.

"Hey Finley," he said, "You know, Alex mentioned you like photography."

“He did?” I squinted. “Oh. Well, yeah, I guess I do. Photography sounds very official though, I really just like messing around with a camera.”

“Can I see some of your stuff?” Zack asked, blanking my last comment.

I laughed. “Um... sure. I just don’t have any photos with me.”

He shrugged. “Ok. Well, if you remember. I’d like to see.”

I nodded. Then looked back at Zack, feeling the sudden urge to make conversation with him. He wasn’t the most chatty person, but he was nice. I’d like to get to know him a bit better. It felt funny, this unfamiliar confidence. It would appear that Alex had been rubbing off on me.

“Are these ones you’ve taken in LA?” I asked curiously. One of the views I recognised. “That’s... that’s our beach, isn’t it?”

Zack smiled. “Yeah. I took that one a few days ago, before I went for a run. I just thought that the colours were nice.”

“They’re gorgeous.” It was. The dawn bloomed on the horizon like the first flower of spring, bright and cheerful. Pink and red and purple splashing out against a dimly lit sky. “You’re great at that.”

“I have some of you in here somewhere... hold on.”


I peered into the screen, while Zack scrolled down quickly.

“Here. I like this one.”

It was of me and Alex, coming back up from the beach. We were both blue with cold, with sandy legs and wet hair. But we were smiling. I almost didn’t recognise myself, because I hadn’t seen myself smiling in years. But there it was, a brilliant grin across my face, looking up at Alex who was smiling back down at me.

“I love it.” I said softly.

“You do?”

“It’s amazing, Zack. Really, it’s... do you think you could send it to me?”

“Sure. If you want, I’ll send you the whole lot. You’re in a lot of them.”

“That would be amazing! I’ve had the best time here, it’d be great to have some photos, especially ones like these.”

“Thanks, Finley,” Zack said, looking proud. “Give me your email, would you?”


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